Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 10, 355 to go

I've got nothing! My 17 year-old --- the disappearing king --- never ceases to make me scratch my head, squint my eyes, and don a look that would put George Bush Jr. to shame. I would like to know how it is that his father, step father, sister, and myself can call every phone number we know to try and find this kid.... but "buddy Brian" seems to always know how and where to find him? Why IS that? Okay, e-bay isn't buying,,, how about Craig's List?

Okay, those are the frustrations of a mother... Of a truth, I love this kid. And it's a darn good thing that I do--or he'd be in the pooper right now.

"Planet M" update---I now have 44 kids enrolled in my advisement class. By contract, 34 is the limit. I'd say I'm a BIT overstaffed,,, would you agree? Ever tried to harness the energy of 44 twelve year olds---in a very small space? Good times!! And yet, other than the few poor lost souls who are still wandering the campus in a zombie daze, there are no stories to share. These kids are like stepford students. Let's see how long the honeymoon lasts.

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