"It's choice, not chance, that determines your destiny." Jean Nidetch.
Well, I don't believe I agree with this one--Ms. Nidetch must not have tried to land a literary agent in the 21st century.
I think Ellen Frankfort had it right, "Choice has always been a privilege of those who could afford to pay for it."
Uh oh... Do I detect a bit of sarcasm in my tone tonight? Oops.
Been researching Civil War etiquette for my nexst novel. It keeps me distracted during the torturous waiting game. Things have been too quiet on the agent/publishing front... too quiet for my comfort. Think I'll send out another wave of query letters... just to keep the flow going. It's a funny thing, but even receiving a rejection is better than silence. I know that is an insane comment to make... and likely is not true... but receiving any type of correspondence makes me feel connected to the process.
Silence feels oddly threatening.
Yup, that's my impatience speaking again... but what the heck... I have never been one to sit quietly and wait my turn! I have to keep moving---even if it's in the wrong direction :) Embarrassing to admit, but true nonetheless.
Planet "M"--- Today I got my first "You have GOT to be kidding me!!!" e-mail from a parent. It's the kind of e-mail that makes me wish I could say what I'm REALLY thinking! Ah, I'm all about PC communication... so I'll be big.
Yup! Hence the sarcasm.
I sent out a slew of query letters at the beginning of the year, but it's gotten so expensive that I had to slow it down. Now when I receive a rejection letter I sent out a query letter to replace...sounds crazy but it's kind of fun. I always have something to look forward too lol.
That's a good idea :) Someday I'll count up all the query letters I've sent and the rejections I've received... but not until my book is published. I might get depressed otherwise. Have you ever attended a writer's conference? I've been kicking that idea around a little. They are expensive... I wonder if they are worth it?
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