Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 7, 358 to go

Frustrating... It's only been one week, and already I am bored with my own blog. Sad, huh? I mean really,,, what's in it for my readers,,, assuming I have any? So I vow to make this blogspot meaningful--or at least entertaining. I will attempt to include a thoughtprovoking question, a quote of the day, a funny or meaningful story, a profound thought, or a joke (although I am the world's worst joke teller!) After all, readers should take something with them when they visit someone's blog.

Look for entries from "Planet M"---some of my best stories come from real life haps at school. In order for Planet M to work, I will have to promise to be honest--even when it's politically correct not to be. Teachers rarely can say what they are really thinking!

INFP -- that's me. Introverted (why do you think I love to write?), intuitive, feeling (yes, I do have them,) and perceiving--I don't like closed doors, so I don't make decisions quickly. There is always a better idea. If you haven't taken the Myers Briggs temperament test yet, you definitely should. If you don't want to pay $$$ for the whole test (350 questions), then visit the Kiersey Bates version (70 questions). It's free, fun, and it provides great insight into your temperament.


Unknown said...

Hey I'm Extroverted and I love to write too...

Mindy Morgan said...

Can't wait to share the Kiersey Bates info with you.