Sunday, August 9, 2009

I hate it when that happens!

So, I had a great dream a couple nights ago. I was having a random discussion with two men who I later found out were a publisher and his assistant. I began to pitch my book to the assistant, but we launched into a conversation about an idea I had for another book. The assistant stopped me in my tracks and said, "That's it! That's the angle we are looking for! Write that book and send it to me, quick!" Well, in my dream I began writing immediately, and I knew I was onto something big. The sick joke? When I woke up I couldn't remember what my idea was. Dang it! I HATE it when that happens!
Meanwhile, I'm becoming very well acquainted with rejection as I go through the "publish my book gosh darn it!" process of finding an agent and/or publisher. Someday,,, it will all come together. And when it does, I vow to help unpublished authors get published.


The Rejection Queen said...

I had that kind of dream as well. It's how I came up with the title for my book lol.

Mindy Morgan said...

Lucky for you, you remembered the details of your dream. Dreams are a big inspiration for my writing, so I am always writing them down for later reference. It frustrates me when I have a great one and can't remember the details! How's your sequel coming along?

The Rejection Queen said...

I'm not writing a sequel but my second new fiction novel is almost done. 6 chapters left!

Mindy Morgan said...

What genre are your books? Do you have a website for the book you are having published? If so, I'd like to check it out.