Yesterday I received a call from a publisher interested in publishing my book. For a brief instant my heart raced, and then I realized it was yet another self-publishing publisher. Sigh. My deadline is moving closer; though I prefer not to publish with a small group, I am anxious to see my story in print and available to the public. An agent requested my full manuscript on May 25th, and I have yet to hear from her. I wonder how long I can wait before it is "okay" to contact her for a follow up. With this industry, I never know if no news is good news, or just another silent rejection.
Today marks 8 years since the September 11 terrorist attacks. My students have no memory of this historic day for Americans. Sadly, some of them insist they have never heard of it. Surely, they are mistaken, right? They were 2 and 3 years old when it happened. I was two when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and I remember it clearly. I remember it because my mother cried. I can still see her hunched over the kitchen sink in my memory, crying. And I can still hear her words as she explained to me what a president was... the father of our country. I wonder, in today's world, if kids are just so desensitized to violence, that it barely impacts them when something like 9/11 happens. ???
Planet "M"-- Donna Lione will soon join our staff as the new math/science teacher. I am so excited to have her on board! She is a welcome spice to our salad of mixed greens :)'s
Today's quote: "The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one's country deep enough to call her to a higher plain." George McGovern
I can live with that.
RAKs? Hmm. I took out the trash for my daughter, does that count? I'm starting to truly realize that I am just not a very kind person. It is really difficult to find RAKs in my normal routine. How pathetic is that?
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