BLUH!!! Thanks to my adorable and generous husband, I now have a major cold. Thanks for sharing honey :) Well, what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon? Hmm. So dow I dalk like dis. And I popped Dayquil gels all afternoon, which, by the way, are not supposed make you sleepy, but they put me into a coma. The joys of the dribbles. Why can't modern science come up with a cure for the common cold?
"For every ailment under the sun, There is a remedy, or there is none, If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ Mother Goose
That's easy for her to say.
For authors out there, I highly recommend having your manuscript professionally edited for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Yeah, yeah, I know. Duh! Well, my manuscript had been edited by me 1,900 times (okay, that's hyperbole, but you get it,) and then by at least twelve different readers....Not to mention the grammar check I enabled on my word program. I was preparing to submit it to Daw Publishing, when that little voice I mentioned previously told me to have it edited first. Mind you, this manuscript was my final final final---the one I deemed as perfect as possible. Boy, was I humbled. There were approximately 50 flaws found--that equates to nearly one mistake for every ten pages. Makes me wonder what would happen if I submitted it for content editing. Yikes. The good news was that the person editing claims to have really enjoyed the story. That is always music to a writer's ears.... Now I just need to find an agent who feels the same way. Oh yeah, THAT. The process is long and painful... if you don't believe me, check out the Rejection Queen's website that I linked on my front page. Her story captures the reality of trying to land an agent...and it does so with humor and whit.
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