I listened to a talk today about faith and the 6 destructive "D"s that destroy it: doubt, discouragement, distraction, [lack of] diligence, disobedience, and finally, disbelief. I realized that I began to doubt my confidence that my book would be published. When I received rejection after rejection... and very little positive feefback from agents or publishers... I told myself I would not lose faith; after all, I knew I was inspired to write the story. However, with each rejection a seed of doubt was sown--even though against my will and judgement. I have obviously become discouraged or I would be more diligent in writing the sequel. Instead, I allow distractions to keep me from writing. According to the talk I heard this morning, I am headed toward disbelief, unless I do an about face. Now. So, today I wrote to the agent who requested my full manuscript five months ago. She never responded so I took that as a "not interested." But what if that's not it at all? I vow that for the next 30 days I will do something each day toward the process, even if it is to repeat something I've already done. I believe in my book. I believe I was inspired to write it for a reason....and that reason was not so it could sit unpublished collecting dust. It's a good story.
Oooohhhhh, I hate rejection!
How am I doing on the RAKs? It depends on who you ask. At work, I have been making a conscious effort to help my teammates in a variety of ways. I feel good about that. Unfortunately, at home I suck at it. By the time I sit my butt in my fabulous Lazyboy, I lose all sense of RAK-ness. I need to work on that. I'm just so doggone wiped when I get home! NO EXCUSES... I will improve!
"Often we focus on the noble art of getting tasks done; we need to develop the nobler art of leaving tasks undone." It's all about eliminating the non-essential tasks and focusing first on those that are truly essential. My problem is that they all seem essential. In this, I am my own worst enemy!
Planet "M"---Played around with density today while my kids worked. Next week we are going to make golfballs do amazing tricks. Man I love science :)
that's the Mary/Martha deal....
next weekend my friend...get ready! lol
I'm looking forward to it. And of course I'll listen to you :) After all, YOU are the Rejection Queen, right?
Yes, I am. After Saturday listening to a bunch of professionals blab on about stuff I already know...I consider myself an expert ;)
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