Today we introduced the tiger kitties to the garage....Nah, don't panic, we aren't sentencing the helpless creatures to a life of confinement....only exposing them to an alternative lifestyle....It's about branching out. And if they happen to catch a mouse or two in the process, then more power to them. They are the funniest kittens I've ever seen. Yep, I said ever.
Today was almost a perfect Saturday. I helped at the church this morning, went to Costco for my parents(can I call that my RAK for the day? Does it count if I was already going anyway?) ... visited my folks, had a coke (how can it be a perfect day without one?) ... read a chapter in a mystery novel, had a fantastic pedicure---my toes are painted like pumpkins now---had steak for dinner, and now I get to settle in for the evening in my comfy chair. My football team lost---rather, they were massacred.... hence the "almost perfect" qualifier. All-in-all, it was my kind of Saturday :)
As for my 30-day book goal, I researched more agents to submit to,,,, then got sidetracked. I won't go to bed tonight without sending an e-query to at least one of them.
RAK? I helped my daughter put together a very cute Halloween costume for her dance tonight. She looks adorable....the prettiest witch in town. I think she was going for Jenny from Harry Potter, and she pretty much pulled it off.
Oh, and I finished decorating the inside of the house for Halloween... Maybe it doesn't look as cool as when Raechel does it for me, but it's festive. I'm almost ready for next week's trick-or-treaters.
And I'm looking forward to meeting the Rejection Queen next online cyber-buddy-fellow author and partner in drowing sorrows :) How's that for a title?
Yup, 6 more days! HAHAHA. Good title. Much to talk about...*evil grin*
Ten is perfect. Starbucks on 79. I'm looking forward to it.
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