Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 67

I remember my first year of teaching---within six weeks I was reduced to tears, convinced that I had gone thousands of dollars in debt for nothing. Enter my night and shining armor...and the man who eventually became my husband :) This is an anniversary week for me.... albeit one that no one would recognize or even consider noteworthy...and yet it was a week that transformed me. It was the week I fell in love with teaching...and realized that even veteran teachers struggle with their students sometimes. It was the week I came to Temecula to observe Ron for four days in his classroom. Whenever I meet new teachers, I try to remember how much I struggled in my first year, and how I longed to have the edge of an experienced teacher.....without having to wait for years to gain it. Now,,, here I am, ten years later, and still in love with teaching..... the difference is, now I have the edge..... And I have Ron :)

"When a person with money meets a person with experience, the person with the experience winds up with the money and the person with the money winds up with the experience."~ Harvey MacKay

I just threw that quote in for fun.... no pun intended.

Happy weekend everyone.

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