Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 107, Raechel's Here :)

A bright star for our family...little Jane is finally shedding her tubes and wires. She continues to progress, bringing her one step closer to coming home. She will be in our hearts and minds tomorrow as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

Today Raechel and I made pumpkin pies, cherry pie, and potato soup....amazing I might add....all of it :) I forgot the chocolate cake, so I'll be getting up a bit earlier than planned tomorrow. Gotta put the ham on anyway, so that's cool.

Raechel showed me how to download music to my IPOD today....That may sound ridiculous to most of you, but I am pretty excited about it---especially since I've had the IPOD since last Christmas and never knew how to download songs. Pathetic, eh? As of now, I have 345 Christmas songs downloaded...oooohhhh baby!@! You know my husband is excited about that!
Did I mention I had a dream about adding a scene to my book? I think it will be a pretty cool addition,,,I've just gotta find the time to sit down and write again. So many scenes are swirling around in my head for the sequel,,,I hope I can settle into writing again soon. Maybe if I wasn't doing this blog everyday,,,,,,,,,,,???

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