Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 111, Homecoming

Tonight..... a message from Jen and Ryan:

Hellooooooooooo everybody!

Jane has finally been discharged from the hospital and we are so incredibly excited to have her home again.  Now we will just have weekly doctor visits and a long list of medications to administer to her until the springtime when she will undergo the next surgery.

We are settling in to a slightly regular routine now - Ryan is back at the office for eset, Jane is home - so we are looking forward to reconnecting with our friends we haven't seen in a long time.

Ryan posted a new video on the blog - we filmed Jane in the NICU on Thanksgiving.  Listen to the nurses in the background ;)


RAK? Not really. We celebrated my birthday everyone else RAK'd me. I took a wonderful nap in my chair. Hmmm, almost sounds like normal :) Pathetic.

Back to school tomorrow... vacation is over for 3 more weeks. Ah. Sigh!

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