Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 87, Waiting is the hard part

Today we visited Ryan and Jen---it is obvious that the wait is hard on them. They are so connected to little Jane, and they are active advocates for her, which I think is very cool--and uncommon for many new parents who tend to allow themselves to be bullied by others. Keep it up Jen and Ryan; if Jane has inherited half the fight that you both have, then she is going to pull through all these surgeries just fine!

Meanwhile, waiting is the hardest part of all. Sigh.


The Rejection Queen said...

Yes, same place.

I'm still praying for baby jane. See you tomorrow

The Rejection Queen said...

dont forget your manuscript

Mindy Morgan said...

Yup... I got it. See you at 9....Look out Starbucks :)