Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 95, Our daily dose of Jane

It brightens my heart to finally see those eyes again. Welcome back Jane! I can't wait to hold our little granddaughter again. Thank you to everyone who prays on Jane, Ryan, and Jen's behalf. Your prayers and thoughts are felt, and received with much gratitude.

This morning I received a notification from that somebody had commented on my novel. Since I just posted it last night, I figured it was just a "thank you for posting comment," but turns out, it was from a reader who had already read the first 3 chapters. He (yes... "he") said he likes my main character, that the story flows well, and that the writing is good. That is a great way to start the day. Too bad he isn't a literary agent. ... or better... a publisher! Ah well.... what's life without a nice challenge, eh? Calm, peaceful, serene, relaxing, stressfree..... hmmmm.... wait a minute.... challenges are good for you,,,, aren't they? Sigh. Deep sigh!

Hey, it's Friday! And look...I am posting early. Sorry folks, but I don't want to think about you when I get home tonight. I have a dominos match waiting for me.... Oh, and No, Raechel. It doesn't truly count unless you are present...but Morgan needs another dose of humility by the domino queen ;) Wish you were here. Truly.

Whatever happened to Tamela Mailing? I would love to find that girl. Does anyone know where she is?

Planet "M"----analyzing test results today. Hey, I have to do it all the time, but now it's the students' turn. The point is to help them see how much they've grown, and identify areas of need. Sounds like a noble objective if you ask me. You didn't ask.... but.... there it is.

Did I mention it's Friday?

Did I mention that Friday is my favorite day of the week?

Just checking.

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