So.... I have my arms full, computer bag, lunch, secret Santa gift, my manuscript.... you know how it goes....
I carefully open the laundry room door..knowing that the wild tigers are waiting to pounce..... I crack the door, and see a set of golden eyes peering up at me .... just waiting to slip past my foot..... Ah, but anticipating such a move, I jam my foot in the door and snap, "Scat!" But what to my surprised amazement..... but cat #2 was on the washer. And with a loud MEOW!!!, she flew from the washer into the hallway, and took off in a dash. And I heard her exclaim 'ere she scampered from view..... Ha ha ha bitch, the joke is on you!
Naturally,,, the commotion caused such a clatter, that when cat #1 scurried threw, it no longer mattered.
I rounded them up, a task done with dread...
And finally settled them, tucked in their bed.
Then hunting the canine, was a completely new game...
He runs and hides, then pretends to be lame.
I dragged his butt down each stair with a plop...
Then opened the slider, and pushed him out with a pop!
Then... what to my wondering eyes did appear?
A pile of poop in the living dear!
And. while visualizing this scene may make you smile....
I didn't have time to clean up the pile.
So there you go. Happy Wednesday :)
PS... I guess the dog repellent didn't work. Better get our money back.
Pss... I won't be home for the next 3 nights.... so keeping my blog-a-day goal might get a bit tricky. Can she do it?
Mailing my manuscript tomorrow...Please wish me luck.
Then I'm buying an enema for my dad. Whew!!! Good times!
hahaha classic.
HAHAHAHAHH a pile of poop! Sounds so familiar in my family. I can just picture this LOL...omg you crack me up. I will be praying for you and your manuscript tonight. I just know they are going to love it.
did you really write that? wow thats good
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