Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 158, She's Got the Friday Night Blues

I really don't have the blues....unless I think of all the unfinished "stuff" I have lurking around me. Laundry, clutter, old mail, clutter, grades, staff development, clutter, book, planning, clutter, parents who need attention, husband who deserves attention, kids who require attention, friends who want attention, colleagues who want my help, clutter, Relief Society duties, behind on my scripture schedule, clutter, need to be consistent with exercise, clutter, need to edit some more, need to write a new synopsis, need to write a new query, need to mail manuscript to DAW Books, need to, need to, need to, clutter, clutter, clutter! It's no wonder I blacked out on the road Monday night. It's all good stuff...all people I love...all hobbies I enjoy...all "stuff" that adds meaning and joy to my life. I rarely feel overburdened...rather, I most often feel fortunate to have such purpose fill my days, but somewhere in my body there's a switch---let's call it a ground fault switch---and that switch blew a fuse Monday. So  now, to add to the mix, I must contemplate a way to simplify and de-clutter. ...Isn't it ironic that in order to have less on my plate, I have to add something more to my plate? Anomoly.

I am looking forward to the 3-day weekend, and a chance to de-tox, relax, and unwind. What would happen if I unwound? Scary thought.

RAK? I worked on my grades until 7pm tonight....That's not an RAK, but how grateful I was to come home, not have to deal with the cats, and to have dinner hot, ready, and waiting for me. The RAKs go to my family....and to Kelly for bringing me lunch today so I could work on my grades. I would ask why other people are so kind to me, when I am not good at kind deeds,,,,but instead of asking why, I'll just keep trying to become a kinder person. I have a long way to go.

Planet "M"----Got the results of the district final back today, and for once I am pleased with the results. Good job kids! You rock :)

Did I mention Raechel got a full-time job WITH benefits AND paid vacation? :)

Did I mention I love my La-Z-Boy chair? Just checking.

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