Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 170, Whiney Wednesday

You guessed it... It's alliteration week. What can I tell you, I'm a LA teacher. Lots of whining today (and if I spelled that wrong.....don't hold it against me. I don't consider spelling an essential standard ;) wink wink. My biggest whine today is that I sucked it up and contracted for the mobile internet....locked into a 2-year contract. Yeah, I know it's ridiculous...I have wireless at home, and internet at why do I need this mobile piece? Because when I travel (which, let's face it, is not often,) I always have to purchase the hotel's internet for $15 a day....and half the time, it doesn't work right. Then there is the fact that when I'm at work, I am connected to the district's server,,,and there are enough SPAM wall security systems in place, that they could effectively end illegal immigration. I want to access my e-mail during can do. I want to visit a particular can do. I want to go to I-tunes and download a song,,,,nope, can't do that either. Now let's be real.... how often do I do those things? Rarely. So why spend $60 a month .... a wopping $720 a year.... to save about $200 a year? It makes no sense. Obviously it's not about the money, it's about the convenience and the feeling that I can connect with the world from just about anywhere I am.... even on the road. Yeah yeah yeah....I could probably get the same thing with an I-phone or Blackberry, right? But I would still have to pay the fee.
It sounds like I'm trying to convince myself that I did not do something really S-T-UPID. Well, jury is out on that...I'll let you know in the coming weeks if it is worth it.

Meanwhile....thanks to the fact that it DID NOT take "only 15 minutes to install" promised by MATT, I am posting once again minutes away from midnight. Grrrrr. I spent an hour trying to install it on my own...then had to call for technical support (that is always fun,) and spent another hour with them. Hopefully, all is well in modem land from here on out.

RAK? You know,,, I'm sure I must have been  nice to somebody today....but I am too freakin tired to think about it. So let's just say I did......and let it ride, okay?

Planet M---It's all about virtual earthquake labs online this week. Kids are doing earthquake simulations and learning how to locate the epicenter using the triangulation method. Sounds like they are planning a series of murders, huh? For what it's worth, they are doing a great job. I am proud of them.

Stick a fork in me. I'm toast.

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