Alliteration week is nearly over...I hope you have gained much from the experience...and that you feel happy, satisfied, and content,,,with your alliteration needs completely met for the year. In true Marzano form, I will have to revisit them periodically, to make sure they transfer to your long-term memory. Blah blah blah blah blah blah!
Today we explored meaningful ways to incorporate purposeful play into our science content objectives. It was a lot of fun, so time passed at lightning speed. Then we began our simulations....a journey on which none of the players were eager to embark. BUT, we sucked it up and threw the mud at the wall. Turned out to be a ton of hard work, but in the end we each received a personal debriefing with feedback that, in my case, was immediate, specific, and meaningful. Sue Wells would have been proud. Then tonight, we participated in another type of simulation, which was all hands on exploration and collaboration. Amazingly high concepts were explored, without the use of academic vocabulary. The cool thing was we were using the highest levels of thinking, without using high level of vocabulary, so the learning concepts became the focus, rather than memorizing terms. It was a cool activity, and again, the time flew. Before we knew it, 12 hours of training had passed.
I wish all professional development in our school district was as meaningful and engaging. When I am queen of the world, I will make that one of my top priorities. Obadee Obadie. Wink. Wink.
RAK? Hmmmmm, in a round about way, I believe I can say yes. I tried to do little things such as bring my table drinks, clear tables of trash that wasn't mine, and put an arm around a depressed Debbie who desperately wishes for Mr. Right to show up soon. Ah, Sigh. Still though, with each little gesture, I find there is something in it for me, which makes me question whether it qualifies as an RAK. I've decided that even if there is something in it for me,,,,it is better to do the kind thing even if it's for the wrong reasons, than to overlook opportunities for kindness.
I have no idea what that last sentence says.... I know what I meant to say, but I think something got lost in the translation. I'm over it.
Tomorrow begins at 6am! So this little kitty is going to bed. Seeings that I keep drifting to la la land, I won't attempt to end with some profound and thoughtprovoking quote or comment. I'll just say "Good night."
No really. Good night. That's all there is. All she wrote. Kapeesh. Over and out. Finished. Fine. Turn out the lights....the party's over. All good things must end. Hasta Luego..... Game Over. Please insert coin.
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