Is this the sweetest picture ever??? Okay, I say that every time I post a picture of Jane or Kieran... but come on.... aren't they adorable? Jane is just getting so expressive, it kills me. And Kieran is crawling all over the place and getting into everything. Ah,,, the good 'ole days! I remember them well.....and I wouldn't change them.... except of course for the 5 pounds of peanut butter that Taylor spread all over my blue carpet. That was not fun to clean up. Andrew's favorite thing was to empty the pots and pans from the cabinet. Raechel's favorite thing was to put everything to bed....no matter what it was.... every doll, every stuffed animal, spoons, hairbrushes, you name it... if she ran out of blankets and pillows, she would make them out of toilet paper. Sometimes I would walk through the house, and find little pillows and beds in every place imaginable. Ellen's favorite thing was to make us laugh....and she was good at it. Ah,,, I cherish all those memories.. and wish I could relive them at will. Maybe in Heaven we can do that?
Today I facilitated the 8th grade TLC planning day. They planned a lesson on what determines the positive or negative charge of ions,,, and what makes them stable or neutral. Hmmm. I feel so much smarter now.
RAKs? I offered the last of my gum to my team. Does that count? Ron wins the RAK challenge again. He made dinner AND volunteered to pick up Ellen so I could work on my TLC scripts. What a guy!
Want to get back to work on my book..... Still waiting for a shooting star to cross my path... or maybe a comet... or maybe Mars, Venus, and Earth will align perfectly. ... Think then I will figure out how to get over this last hurdle.??? It's a big one. I trust...that inspiration will come... Why shouldn't I? The entire book was written by inspiration. I just need to have faith and keep at it. Sigh!!! Deep, heavy sigh!!! Sigh again!
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