Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 216, Ahgrrrrr!

Daddy and daughter... how cute is that, hah? Ryan is wooped, no doubt about that!

Okay, so I'm a little frustrated tonight. Up, down, high, low, hopeful, fearful, excited, let down,,,, the roller coaster is non-stop! I got the most amazing feedback from two of my objective reviewers, and I was flying. Then I got an e-mail from another reader, who saw some "issues" with the overall concept. Are the issues a deal-breaker? Hard to tell. I am just going to pray that the Lord will guide this process, and lead me through the right door! That, unfortunately requires patience....And we know how good I am at that, right?

RAK? I'm sure I was nice to someone, somewhere along the line today. Everyone is nice at some point in their day, don't you think? I mean really, just because I can't think of anything specific right at this exact moment, doesn't mean I wasn't nice, right? Right? RIGHT? Hey, I lost an hour of sleep last night. Who can be nice under those circumstances?

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