Today was the last day of Spring Break--technically speaking. I watched the gloomy cold front come in from the southwest, and I knew my vacation was over. Time to face the storm once again. I looked at my upcoming calendar and felt the weight of the world press on my shoulders...again. Can't complain though, after all, not everyone gets two weeks off like I did. Besides, most of my stress is self-imposed--but there's nothing I can do about that now. Meanwhile, I will have to man-up and face the next month with determination and a positive attitude.
No word from the publisher today. I didn't expect to hear anything in the first couple weeks, so no surprise there. I am hoping for the best, but in the back of my mind there looms the possibility that they will decide to pass on my book....and what then? I keep trying, that's what. That said, I am struggling to keep the faith and trust that everything will work out for the best...the way it is supposed to. I have to believe that the dream is achievable, even for me....So that's what I am choosing to do---believe. It's a good story...I do believe in that.
RAK? Ron took care of calling Kaiser for my parents today. If you've ever dealt with Kaiser, then you know that's a true RAK. As for me, sadly, I doubt I did anything kind for someone else. Instead, I spent my afternoon lounging in the sun reading a crime novel. That's what I do when there is something I NEED to do, but am avoiding it. What is it I NEED to do? Write my sequel. I know I need to write it, and I truly want to---I love writing---but I'm afraid to pour myself into another novel when I don't yet know the fate of my first book. A true act of faith would be to write the novel, demonstrating that I truly believe the first book WILL be published.
Oh, I did the dishes tonight---that is sort of an RAK, in a sick sort of "hey, that's a stretch" kind of way. I also sent Taylor to the store to buy bottled cokes for my mom...again, sort of an RAK, ina sick sort of "hey, that's a stretch" kind of way.
There's always tomorrow.
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