Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 251, One of those days!

Today was one of those days.... You know the kind I mean. Not complaining, just stating a fact. The good part was I facilitated an 8th grade team of teachers as they presented an inquiry-based lesson to their students. The debriefing process for a TLC teaching day is always fun. We are otherwise known as "Three men and a lady."

The day ended with a trip to the dentist... Gee, that's always fun. How can I complain though? I mean really, what's the alternative? Toothless in Temecula?

Tomorrow night I leave for Utah---for Raechel's graduation. Wish Ron could come with me, but feel a sense of peace and gratitude to know he is here taking care of things. That's what he does ;)

RAK? I brought Jeremy a Diet Coke... just because. That made him smile. Ron fixed my jammed printer.... that made me smile. You see how this works? Now, I'll have to think of something to make Ron smile.

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