Just checking to see if this works...
Daily dose - studying animals. Next stop: the Zoo!
Ah ha! I think??? I have solved the mystery of the missing picture postings.
Here's our little baby, preparing for Kingergarten. It will arrive before we
know it.
There are funny things going on with my post.... Is it just me? Why do you
think I just can't get the hang of this? Why is the background white? RAECHEL!!!!
Help me!!!
RAK? Gave someone a hug today---but haven't really done anything for someone else.
But hey, the night is still young.
So.... sometimes your life can be going so well, and then you find out someone else,,
someone you love...is going through dark days. That's when we really need to reach out
to them and let them feel your love, and let them know you will be there for them. Rest
assured the tables will turn eventually, and it will be you who faces the darkness.
That is just the cycle of life...and the Plan of Salvation.
Hey, did I ever mention how proud I am of my daughter? She is beautiful, strong, and
intelligent...and she has her whole life in front of her. Sieze the day, daughter!
Did I mention that I need to lose 20 pounds before Hawaii?
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