Guess what? In the world of PLANET M... I am FINALLY..... yay!!!! all caught up on my grading. Only took me until the end of the school year to manage it,, but what the heck. It doesn't matter how long it takes us to cross the finish line, right? Just get there. I am in clean up mode now.... Time to get ready to pack up and move 'em on out.
I walked today, and did weight drills. Probably burned off just enough calories to counter that diet rootbeer float I had after dinner. I'm pathetic,,, I know this.
Oh,, and,,, I finished Poison Study. ... and I finished satisfied. That's a good thing. Last night,,, I was frustrated. Took too long for the romance to arrive. When it did, it REALLY did. It's an interesting book, and the ending in many ways is very similar to the ending of my book. Who knew?
Speaking of my book, during my walk today, another scene opened in my mind. I can't wait to start writing the scenes that are popping into play. I just feel like before I begin, I need to complete that marketing questionnaire for the publisher. With the chaos at school finally settled, I will be able to focus better. I was able to begin work on the packet tonight and actually got a lot done. I am looking forward to this next year. It looks like it will be year to learn new things. I like that.
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