Wow... 80 days until I reach my goal of 365 blogs in 365 days. I feel sort of like Jerry Seinfeld....minus the ability to tell jokes and make millions of dollars. But his show was a show about nothing.... and my blog is sort of a blog about nothing.... so in that way, we have something in common. I wonder if my blog could be turned into a sit com? It could if I told you what was REALLY happening every day ;)
RAK? I took Ron's cell phone to him during lunch...because he left it at home this morning. Just happens that I was visiting other sites today, so I got to take a real lunch,,,as opposed to the mad dash that usually translates to lunch when I'm teaching. So,,, was there anything in that RAK for me? Sort of. He also forgot to kiss me goodbye this morning---so I was determined to collect---with interest. Hmmm. That might wipe out my RAK, huh?
Tomorrow is my last official day as the teacher in my classroom. I can write those words...I can say those words...I can think those words..... but I cannot imagine the reality of them. It is definitely going to be a change for me.
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