Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 295, 70 days to go

Ron stopped our movie to go get a snack (cuz he can't stay awake :) so I figure I might as well update my blog. Today is day 4 of the diet.... only I didn't exactly follow it to the letter. I had the shake for lunch and a protein bar for a snack.... but otherwise, no other shakes. Instead, I had fruit and vegetables. I feel a lot better today.... even took both my vitamin packs without getting sick. Yippee. I know the calorie intake is good, but I'm obviously not getting the protein I need when I skip the shakes. I know,,, it's a dilemna.

So,,,, this was day three on the new job. We did site visits today,,, which was fun. You know my problem? I like being the chief... or at least one of the chiefs..... I don't like when someone with less experience than me is chief.... that, my friend, is called pride. Unfortunately, I must be prideful. Anyhow, it is difficult to sit by and not be part of the planning. I'm not used to that. So,,, even though I believe what we are doing is critically important, and I am proud to be part of it, I have a truly difficult time not being in the driver's seat. That,,, is embarrassing to admit, but human. After all, I was the leader on my campus, and it took me years to rise to that level of recognition among my colleagues. Now, it feels like I am starting all over. Ego. It's a curse. BUT,,, in the long run, I know I am doing the right thing, so I will grow up, be a professional, and quit my bellyaching.


I walked again tonight. Yay me. One step closer to Hawaii :)

Do you think I'll ever grow up?

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