Today I FINALLY got my grades completed. The technician wasn't able to get them back until about 1:00... but everything is current and ready for report cards. I can't believe how many students have earned "A"s this semester. It makes me happy.
In a way, getting my grades done was like therapy; it's one another apron string cut---and a step closer to full immersion into my new position. I'm feeling better about things now. Amazing what a relaxing weekend can do for a soul, eh?
In a way, getting my grades done was like therapy; it's one another apron string cut---and a step closer to full immersion into my new position. I'm feeling better about things now. Amazing what a relaxing weekend can do for a soul, eh?
Ah Raechel... you are so right. My phone DOES work.... and I sheepishly admit, that it was pleasantly quiet for the first time in nearly three years---until about 9 pm when I got a distress call from our favorite Woman's Conference roommate. All is not well in paradise. I also must blame you in part, for my lack of telephone usage yesterday.... You see,,, I was reading Magic Study....and I was under strict ORDERS from the peanut gallery to hurry up and finish it so I could pass it on. One guess who that might have been. I am more than half way through,,, and am enjoying it. I am anxious to start Hunger Games, though, so I'm reading every free second I get. So.... what's your excuse? Would that it was a tall, handsome, stranger :)
I am looking forward to seeing Raechel in July.... I think it's just 6 weeks away. Yay :)
And then,,, there's Hawaii!!!!
Speaking of Hawaii, I was good today. No un scheduled snacks :)
1 comment:
Well, it's a good thing I didn't call then, I would have hated to interrupt your quiet leisure time. I was in meetings all morning, church until 3:00, Break the Fast at 4:00, Fireside at 6:00, Lakers - Celtics game until 9:00, Ward Prayer at 9:00, then bedtime. I wouldn't exactly call my day leisurely. But I haven't been the best at phone calls lately. I've barely spoken to Kathryn at all the last 2 weeks. I've been a busy girl!
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