Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 305.... On any given Sunday...

This morning I slept until 10:30!!!! That is just criminal :) Could it be that, hey, I'm on vacation?  Nah, that couldn't be it :)

Went to church, visited my mom and dad, had a wonderful dinner, spent some time with my good friend, Judi, and then talked to Raechel. Ah,,, as the world turns.... I am grateful for my husband, my kids, my job, my friends.... my health.... my parents.... There is much to be thankful for :)

Getting up early tomorrow to go walking with Kathy. Then we are dropping Ellen off for a week at girl's camp.  It's always lonely without her around.... but she will have a blast at camp.

And then I'm looking forward to a couple nights in Big Bear with Ron. One of my favorite little get-a-ways... and no Indian casinos to lure me into a donation :)

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