Oh goody,,, it's almost skit time again. Grumble grumble murmur groan. I hate doing skits!!! But, being the team player that I am, I always man-up for the job. Our skit tomorrow night will be a spoof on the Saturday Night cheerleaders----which was a spoof itself. Can you spoof a spoof? Hmmm. I guess you can. If I were a drinking girl, I would definitely have a few before this one. At least then there would be an excuse. As it is, I will have to face humiliation with all my whits intact.
Well.... two more days of workshops and training.....and then I get to escape with Ron to Laughlin. I'm looking forward to that... Even though we never seem to have much luck there, it's fun to be there with Ron, and revisit some of our early days together.
Hey, I exercised again tonight.... Good for me. It will be a miracle if I make it home without putting back on the few pounds I lost after my 5 day Reset. I have been good about one thing.... I have not had a soda yet. Sounds like a lame claim to fame, but it's huge if you know me.
Okay, it's late. I'm tired. And in all reality I doubt there are any RAKs to report... so I will close for now. Gotta get my rest so I can be in top form for the skit tomorrow!!! Yay :) Cough... Sigh!! Grumble. Smile :)
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