Know anyone who needs a sofa sleeper? Hate to get rid of it, but we have run out of rooms.
Today Charlene and I went and saw Eclipse together. Much better than the other two Twilight movies. In the tent scene between Jacob and Edward, Robert Pattinson FINALLY pulled off the role of Edward. For the first time, he looked and acted just the way I had Edward pictured in my mind. And, thank my lucky stars, Edward finally smiles in this movie. It's about time. Now,,,, if they could just turn Kristen Stewart into a real actress with more than one facial expression, maybe she could pull off a Bella. ... Nah. Probably not. Disappointing was the final scene of the movie. They left out the whole, "Deals off," part (one of the steamiest parts of the book if you ask me,) and gave Bella a monologue that was anything BUT Bella, if you know anything about her character in the book. I won't spoil it for you, but it was all wrong, and totally out of form. So, there's my movie critique for the day. Oh, best part? The fight scene. Wait, this would be incomplete if I didn't tell you about the very OLD man that decided to sit right next to Charlene. Obviously, he did not read the books, nor see the first two movies. He laughed through the entire movie, and made comment after comment. Seriously, he was almost as entertaining as the movie, but bordered on annoying. I'm glad he wasn't sitting next to me. I might have gone German on him :)
It will be fun to see the movie again with both my girls. Two weeks from today, and Raechel will be here.
Hmmm. The house is strangely quiet right now. And I just realized it's midnight. How eerie.
1 comment:
I was on fb and had to find out your take on "Eclipse". I haven't seen it yet, and nobody was giving me any juicy details. Thanks! I can't wait to go!
BTW, your furniture looks fantastic! Congratulations!
And now I'm going to your book blog because I am nothing but curious!
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