Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 442, Something You Never Get Compliments On

Nobody has ever called me "Christ-like." That is my ultimate goal, and one that is far beyond my current reach. I am working on it, and sometimes when I think I am making progress, something or someone comes along to humble me on the spot. I am afraid I am a rough stone with some very jagged edges.

Being Christ-like requires patience.

Hahahaha... Patience is definitely something I rarely get complimented on.

People have told me several times that I am extremely patient with my children. Really? I suppose to outsiders, it might appear that way, but if you ask my children if they think I am patient with them, they will laugh in your face. I am patient with my students. Most of the time. I am patient with my grandkids....pretty much always. I think that pretty much is it.

While we're on the subject, here are ten things for which I definitely have NO PATIENCE:

(1) people who text and drive;
(2) the drive-thru at Del Taco----Why does it take soooooo long to get a taco and a coke?
(3) gum that loses its flavor too quickly;
(4) people who insist on talking all the way through a movie;
(5) coke that has gone flat;
(6) warm milk;
(7) lazy teachers who don't really care about their students;
(8) people who constantly put themself and/or others down;
(9) people who cannot complete a ..... you know, they start to say..... like this one person, she will start to say something, but then she..... you know what I mean?
(10) not having a goal.

I had breakfast with a friend this morning.... She told me that when I have a goal, LOOK OUT.... because I will bulldoze anyone who gets in my way. That is a trait that may be effective in some settings, but can be horrible in others. I never view myself as this type of person. Goal driven, yes. Task oriented, yes. Determined, absolutely. But I never thought of myself as inconsiderate, uncaring, or disloyal. Suspecting that others may see me in this negative light makes me realize that I still have a long way to go in my quest to become a Christ-like person.

"And miles to go before I sleep."

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