Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 72, Go On!

4 hours! That's how long it took me to type the incident report and pull together the paperwork for an upcoming expulsion hearing. It is alarming how many legal hoops you have to jump through to expel a student. It is also interesting to realize how seemingly inequitable the rights of victims are when compared with the rights of the accused. And then there was the scary parent. Those are always fun. Hmm. I am definitely gathering some colorful feathers for my cap this year. And by gosh... I WILL write a book about all this some day---some day when I don't need my credential any longer ;-)

Tomorrow we explore density---No, we are not looking inside my students' brains :) Although I wonder sometimes what we would find if we did. You know I won't be able to leave that one alone tomorrow. It's too much fun to tease my classes....especially when they are such great kids.

Oh, the kitties? Funny you should ask. Honey,,,the wild one, ripped a hole in my finger tonight. The kitten is crazy! I thought I'd never stop the bleeding. Good grief! I think she hit an artery.

Random transition.
I was thinking back to a year ago, when I was spending my evenings in a little cove next to the fireplace writing until the wee hours of morning. It was a truly unique experience for me, and a ton of fun to see it all come together. Getting started on the sequel has been a bit of a challenge. The characters are hovering in my head and whenever I sit down to write, they fall right into the setting and begin chattering. The problem is, I can't bring myself to dive in with both feet. ... I know once I do, it's goodbye to the world again, and hello guilt for neglecting my family and other obligations. Too bad I'm not the type who can spend an hour a day on a project. That would be far too logical and sensible. ... Those are two traits I have rarely been accused of, in case you're wondering. I'm more the tenancious and obsessive type.

Still waiting for the votes to come in. The Rejection Queen says go for 'bout the other 999 of you? Speaking of the RQ...I'm looking forward to hitching up for Halloween :)

Hmmm. The house just became deathly quiet. I shudder to think what the mischievous little tiger terrorists are up to now!


The Rejection Queen said...

We will talk about your little publishing delimma next weekend :) You best listen to me though...

Mindy Morgan said...

It all depends on your disguise :) It's hard to take a green faced zombie too seriously.

The Rejection Queen said...

Do not fear the green faced zombie...she is harmless