Tonight I made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies and two batches of fudge. ... Why is it that I feel like I gained ten extra pounds just by baking tonight? It's not like I sampled the cookie dough until I got sick... or ate enough fudge to make me swear off chocolate for a year..... so why do I have this over-filled, uncomfortable feeling in my gut? It's like weight gain by association. Is that really fair?
Tomorrow is my ____@!!@!!th birthday. Hmmm. At this point, it's all about the gifts. Ya gotta have some perks for getting yet another year older.
So, what am I doing for my birthday? Going to meetings. .... a rumpapumpum! That's okay, I got my king crab legs last night, and chocolate cake. I can't imagine why I'm not losing any weight!
Can I just mention that my husband always buys me the most amazing birthday cards? Truly! He actually takes the time to read them, and he always chooses one that has a message that seems perfect for us. Not many guys put that kind of thought into a birthday card. I'm a lucky girl... and if I ever forget it, Ron will remind me :)
Gotta call it a day now. I'm already tired, and it's only Monday!
Five more days until my next rendezvous with the rejection queen. I am looking forward to that.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wooo hoo I can't wait to see you this weekend.
Me too! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks ;)
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