There's nothing like good friends to keep you honest and on track! Thanks to Judi who surprised me with a bag full of chocolate and a 32 oz coke tonight! Yikes!!! Is the woman TRYING to keep me drugged and overweight? My lack of self-control is shameful! Oh well.... I shant give up yet. I did make myself walk tonight. It's not spin class or yoga... but it's movement ;)
Today's topic? Commitment. Seems fitting given that everyone (except my husband, who is already wonderful,) is making New Year's resolutions. My chosen quote comes from author anonymous:
~ There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. ~ Unknown
I like this because it explains the reason why so many of my resolutions fail....I must be merely interested in improving myself....not wholly committed. Hmmm... That's pathetic, don't you think? So,,,I am going to prove to myself that I am totally committed to my resolutions.... At least, well, we shall see which ones I was truly committed to by the end of my blog in 218 days. Hopefully, 218 days from now, I will be 20 pounds lighter, out of credit card debt, preparing for my holiday in Hawaii, and holding a contract for publishing my novel. I can do it....I can do it.
Planet M--It was great to see the kids again...they make it all worthwhile! I love my job.
RAK? I did not complain, nag, or even tease my daughter when she waited until we got all the way home before informing me that she left her backpack at school.....I simply drove her back to get it. Now, that may not seem like an RAK to you, but if you ask any of my kids, they will tell you that is quite out of character for me (right after they tell you that it's only because it was Ellen, and she is the spoiled one!)
It counts as an RAK, trust me!
Sadly, I have not yet arrived at the point where I think of RAKs during the day. It's usually only when I sit down to post my blog that I remember that I am supposed to be nice to people. Wow. I have a long way to go, don't I?
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