Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 148, Waiting...

Waiting seems to be the order of the month for me. I'm not really that fond of the whole waiting thing. Waiting is annoying. Waiting is time consuming. Waiting is downright unhealthy. So there. I know what the opposition will say.... Waiting builds character. Waiting reveals character. Waiting breeds patience. Blah blah blah.... Yeah. I get it. Guess what? You have to wait for all that character-building to occur. Who's to say you wouldn't end up being a patient person without waiting, eh? Yeah... answer that one.

Apparently, life is what happens while you are waiting for life to happen.

Do I sound like I'm complaining?

Waiting is so freaking irritating,,, that there isn't even a quote about it in the quote bank. Go figure.

RAK? I'm still waiting ....
Planet M? Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I'm tired. I can't wait to go to bed.

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