Today I attended a most fascinating class on autism. It marks yet another meaningful training I've had since beginning my new post as a TOSA. The sad part is that I wish I had all this training ten years ago. There is so much I need to do to fine tune my teaching practices. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. I suppose that's knowledge for you.
My morning began with an invite to the high school principals' meeting. Our Superintendent was there too, which was cool. I've never been in the Super's office,,, so, first time for everything. He asked me how my new job was going...and I could answer honestly that I am enjoying. So I guess that means my attitude has improved :)
Tonight I walked.... That's good. I've walked every night this week... so I'm on a roll :) When I walk alone, I always worry about being attacked or worse...but I enjoy the "think" time, because it always leads to open doors for my writing. It makes me feel close to my characters, and it inspires me to write. On the other hand, when I walk with someone, I feel safer, and I have the opportunity to strengthen friendships. So there it is.
Three weeks from today and Andrew will be home. That is just so weird. I can't quite wrap my brain around the fact that his mission is over. It was always in the future... in 3 weeks, it will be in the past. It just feels so strange. And then it's Taylor's turn. I wonder where the Lord will send that boy. Sometimes I think I would send him to the moon ;) I pray he will be the great missionary that his Patriarchal Blessings says he will.
Football season is almost here.
That's a good thing.
I'm actually looking forward to seeing Halloween and Christmas decorations in the stores. Does that mean I have finally totally lost my mind?