Before I respond to today's prompt, I thought I'd share a brief update on our house....AND on my book~~!!
First, the house. Moving right along, wouldn't you say? This weekend we selected our flooring, and it won't be long now until they begin putting up the sheet rock. Today we decided a balcony is definitely happening~! Not right away, but as soon as possible. A balcony will kill two birds with one stone....It will give us access to an unexpectedly awesome view, and it will provide a cover to our patio (something we were already planning to do). Today I climbed the scaffolds and caught a glimpse of what the view would be from a balcony; that was the end of that!
Now, about my book. The publisher sent me the edited version to read through, approve, and add any last minute changes. I am nearly 200 pages into it, and I am blown away by the subtle, yet powerful changes that the publisher has made. In most cases, she used my own words, but changed their placement within a sentence or paragraph, and voolah! Awesome! Something else that is pretty cool, is that I am enjoying reading the book again. It has been a year since I worked on it, and I was a bit nervous about having to read it again....fearful that I might find it lame or "cheesy." To my surprise, that has not been the case. I actually stop periodically and think, Wow. I wrote that! That's pretty cool. It is great to get back into my character's heads, and to reunite with them. They are so real to me~!
It is still surreal to think I will hold this book in my hands someday soon. A real book. That is definitely one of my "happy thoughts."
Okay... So now to the prompt. There are more than a few songs or artists that have gotten me through some difficult times. Usually, those difficulties are self-imposed, and at my age, I can safely say I have had a few of them. Here are a few songs/artists that have helped to lift me up when I've been down:
(1) The Theme from Mahogany by Diana Ross. This was waaaay back in the mid-70's; back in my "trying to find myself" teenage angst days. "Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?" Hahahaha... I swear I think this song pushed me to a near mental breakdown.... but one that had a profound impact. I did not like the person I was, or the path I was on, this song planted the seed for a life-changing paradigm shift. Thank goodness~~!
(2) Queen! Particularly, "Bohemian Rhapsody." I mean really, who can listen to that song without turning up the radio and singing at the top of their lungs? No matter WHAT is going on in your life, it will give you a few moments of joy (although, that's a bit of an mystery, since the words are not very uplifting).
(3) Amy Grant! Love her! Loved her very much in the mid-80's when her Age to Age album came out. That album made my Spirit happy, and it made me feel closer to God. Thanks Amy.
(4) Twila Paris! Can't name Amy and leave Twila out of the running. Her album, The Warrior is a Child, is one of the best albums ever! The title song describes exactly how it feels when you are discouraged from battling Satan's armies. "I drop my sword and cry for just a while, 'cuz deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child." But you know, we never fight that battle alone. "Fear not. For those that be with us are more than those that be with them" 2Kings 6:14.
Also from Twila was the song, "Praise Him." It is a song that always lifts my Spirit.
(5) The Mormon Tabernacle Choir! Ah yes!! Instant medicine for the troubled, injured soul. One of the songs that made a significant impact on me is "O Divine Redeemer." When I played this for Ron the first time, I spoke the words for him, and they moved me so much that I just cried. I knew the song had been written about me. Here are some of the phrases contained in the song (not in order)---"Oh, turn me not away. Receive me though unworthy." "Haste Thee Lord, haste to help me." "I pray Thee grant me pardon, and remember not, remember not oh Lord, my sins." "Oh Divine Redeemer, have mercy! Help me my Savior."
(6) "Spirit in the Sky" Ah yes! Always puts a smile on my face,,,, no matter how dark the skies. Just gotta include the first two verses here.... You know you know the words... So SING!!!!
When I die and they lay me to rest
Gonna go to the place that's the best
When I lay me down to die
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky
That's where I'm gonna go when I die
When I die and they lay me to rest
Gonna go to the place that's the best
Prepare yourself you know it's a must
Gotta have a friend in Jesus
So you know that when you die
He's gonna recommend you
To the spirit in the sky
Gonna recommend you
To the spirit in the sky
That's where you're gonna go when you die
When you die and they lay you to rest
You're gonna go to the place that's the best
(6) And finally----Me. I am not a band, and I am definitely not a singer!! But I play the piano, and in that I find rest. It is great therapy.
I am sure I could go on about artists and/or songs that lift my soul and get me through hard times, but this post is already way too long. If you are still reading, then here is my closing statement: Music is such an important part of my life; it is no surprise that I turn to music for strength.