I love it when I hear a new spin on an old favorite story---particularly when that story comes from the scriptures. I get so excited when something I have read numerous times . . . you know . . . enough that you can retell the story without blinking an eye . . . is taught from a whole new angle. This happened today as I watched the "Discussions on the Book of Mormon" program on BYU TV. Where do these guys get this stuff?
Today's lesson took 1 Nephi chapter 8---Lehi's dream of the Tree of Life---and compared it to Matthew Chapter 13---the Parable of the Sower. Both describe essentially the same four groups of people. The stories do not cross-reference each other, so I love that these scholars have made the connection for us.
So . . . Looking first at Matthew 13 and then at 1 Nephi 8 . . . Here are the 4 groups of people decribed in the Parable of the Sower as they compare to those in Lehi's vision:
(1) Matt. 13: 4, 19---Seeds fell by the waywside, fowls came and devoured them up. This group is compared to those in 1Nephi 8: 31-32---Those who never pressed forward toward the tree, instead they are those feeling their way toward the great and spacious building. Many drowned in the depths of the fountain or were found wandering in strange lands.
(2) Matt. 13: 5-6, 20-21---Seeds sown in stony places. They sprung up, but had no deepness of earth. When the sun was up, they were scorched because they had no root. They withered away. These are those that hear the word, receive it, but when tribulation and persecution arise, they are offended. This group is compared to those in 1 Nephi 8: 24-25, 28---They caught hold of the end of the rod of iron and clung to it thru the midst of darkness. They made it to the tree and partook of the fruit, but those in the spacious building were pointing a finger of scorn at them and mocking them. They became ashamed and feel away into forbidden paths and were lost.
(3) Matt. 13: 7, 22---Seeds sown among the thorns. The thorns sprung up and choked them. These are they who hear the word and embrace it, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the plant so that it becomes unfruitful. This group of people is compared to those in 1 Nephi 8: 21, 23---They commenced in the path toward the tree, but never caught hold of the rod of iron. They lost their way because of the midst of darkness, and they wandered off and were lost.
(4) Matt. 13: 8, 23---Seeds sown in good soil. These are those who hear the word, understand it, and they bear good fruit. This group, obviously, is compared to those in 1 Nephi 8: 31-32, 33---Those who caught hold of the rod of iron and pressed forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron. They fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree. When those in the spacious building mocked them, they heeded them not.
So there you have it . . . a new way to look at an old story. Cool, eh?
Speaking of stories . . . Mrs. Malody, my 8th and 10th grade English teacher, called me tonight. She is one of the reviewers of my book. She had just finished the manuscript and called to tell me how very impressed she was. She said my book was different, and she couldn't put it down. She was amazed by how all the details connected. She says when girls get hold of this book, it's going to go explode like Harry Potter. Hahaha.... I should be so lucky, huh? I appreciate her enthusiasm though, it made my day. Heck, it made my whole month~!@@!
Who knows, eh? But wouldn't that just be the most amazing thing ever????? I'll just have to keep my eye on that little villa in Italy after all ;-)
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