Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 458, Let the games begin . . .

It is time to say goodbye to another school year.  Is it my imagination or is time going faster the older I get?  Looking back, I would not say that this was a fun year.  It was difficult.  Painful at times.  Yet tremendous.  Growth is painful---but necessary if you want to achieve your dreams. 

One wonderful lesson that I take with me from this year, is that love truly is a power that can move mountains.  The situation I found myself in back at the beginning of Thanksgiving vacation ended up laying the foundation of what has become a very positive relationship between my co-worker and me.  Had I not turned to the Lord . . . had I not likened the scriptures unto myself . . . that situation would have festered into something truly ugly.  Instead, I now have a friend---someone who I admire immensely and who has taught me many things over the course of the year. 

And apparently, I still have some growing to do, because it appears I will be returning for another year in the TOSA position.  It is my goal to develop into a true "servant leader" during the next year.  Well.... and you know how good I am at serving others (cough cough).  Hey . . . It's a goal~~!!  Okay???

As for the house . . .
Here she stands . . .
We are getting very close~!!  Still, there is so much to do before it is finished, and before we are ready to move. 

Here is an updated picture of the kitchen . . .

and . . .

Yesterday, they ordered the floors.  Hopefully soon I will be uploading pictures of the finished product.

That's about it for now.  Oh, except for this . . .

I'm off for the next ten weeks :-)  Oh yeah!!!

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