Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 322, Tiny Bubbles.... Make You Warm All Over....

Greetings from Laughlin...... Honest.... that is MY foot.... Cross my heart. Wonder what's hiding beneat all those bubbles? Well, here's a hint: Somewhere in the bottom of that bathtub is what's left of my Laughlin winnings. Cough cough. (There's an oxymoron for you.)
Looking forward to seeing Eclipse tomorrow....
Hmmm... guess I'd better unpack first and start my laundry, or I'll be showing up in my pajamas.
Today my mom turned 86 years old. How cute is that? I baked her a chocolate cake---okay, it's a bit lopsided, but I'm sure it will taste amazing!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 321, Lovin' Laughlin

This has been a great vacation day.... Relaxing at the spa, a facial, floating in the adult-only pool (sorry kids,) great food, and looking forward to an amazing bubble bath in the jaccuzi tub later tonight. That is some serious R & R! Dreading the long trip home tomorrow,,,, but.... all good things gotta come to an end, right?

Friday I get my new couch and bunk beds. That should be fun. Hoping Ron will take a very,,, VERY... Long drive until everything is safely in place :)

Luv U honey :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 320, Oooooohhhhhh, the good life :)

Aahhh. Two words---curtesy upgrade. That's really all I've got to say :)
Yeah. I can do vacation.

Day 319, Didn't I already do this?

I don't know, seems like I've done this before..... Hmmm. In Laughlin now.... Here to escape.... and that means this blog too :) Okay..., so I'll write tomorrow and let you know how it's going. I know one thing.... it is a freaking long drive to get here!!!! And,,, my daughter just spent an evening sitting next to Steve Young.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 318, Know your audience

Are you kidding me? I just lost my entire blog. Well... I am rebelling. I refuse to write the whole thing again.

Ug! Technology!! It can be your best friend or your worst enemy!

Tomorrow..... I'm ready for some R & R,,,,,, That's Ron and Relaxation :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 317, Don't quit your day job!

Tonight was skit night. I had to do a mock cartwheel and mock splits. Ready, OK! So, I survived the skit....It was sufficiently humiliating and cheesy..... On a scale of 1 to 10 in cheese,,,, this was an easy 8. Following the skits, we danced.... and danced,,,, and danced! That was fun. Have I ever told you how much I love to dance? We closed down the joint.. and naturally, most of us ended up in the pool. Note to self... next year bring an extra bra.

I have a very strange feeling that I won't be able to walk tomorrow... be it the cartwheels, the splits, the twist, the chicken dancce, the macarena...or the Footloose cut loose..... I can't be sure, but my body is already planning its revenge.

I shall probably sleep quite well tonight.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 316, Give me a "K".... Give me a "12",,,, YADA YADA YADA...

Oh goody,,, it's almost skit time again. Grumble grumble murmur groan. I hate doing skits!!! But, being the team player that I am, I always man-up for the job. Our skit tomorrow night will be a spoof on the Saturday Night cheerleaders----which was a spoof itself. Can you spoof a spoof? Hmmm. I guess you can. If I were a drinking girl, I would definitely have a few before this one. At least then there would be an excuse. As it is, I will have to face humiliation with all my whits intact.

Well.... two more days of workshops and training.....and then I get to escape with Ron to Laughlin. I'm looking forward to that... Even though we never seem to have much luck there, it's fun to be there with Ron, and revisit some of our early days together.

Hey, I exercised again tonight.... Good for me. It will be a miracle if I make it home without putting back on the few pounds I lost after my 5 day Reset. I have been good about one thing.... I have not had a soda yet. Sounds like a lame claim to fame, but it's huge if you know me.

Okay, it's late. I'm tired. And in all reality I doubt there are any RAKs to report... so I will close for now. Gotta get my rest so I can be in top form for the skit tomorrow!!! Yay :) Cough... Sigh!! Grumble. Smile :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 315, Technical Difficulties

Tried to forward some pictures of Kaden and Kieran,,, but they were returned. I'll have to figure out what's up with that. Meanwhile... I'm tired, so I'm just going to call it a night. I don't think there is a profound thought left in my brain anyway....Heck, forget profound......I doubt there's even a complete thought in there. I donated all my brain power to the K12 Alliance. Now I'm just running on empty :)

So, what's my excuse the other 364 days of the year?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 314, Buckling down for a wild adventure...

These K12 Long Beach trainings are anything but never know what to expect.... but you can count on being insanely busy, working hard, eating too much, and at some point, getting thrown into the pool. All in a week's work. Oh, and of course, there's the skits. That's the part I dread the most.... but... I will man-up and find my happy place for the sake of the team :) Right now I'm settled in for the night....the day begins early, so I'll be off to bed soon.

Yeah. This is why they pay me the big bucks :)

Had lunch with Joyce and Charlene today. It was nice to catch up. I whined on their shoulders, they whined on mine.... Ah,,, good times.

RAKs? Um, gosh... I think I fogot to be nice today.  Well, there's always tomorrow, right?

I just watched Dumbledore die again. Sigh.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 313, "Hard work must have killed someone"

My husband wears a shirt that says, "Hard work must have hurt someone," and I think I know who that person is..... ME. I spent the better part of my day working with my son going through his bedroom, and preparing for the arrival of a new bed. I am sure that ibuprofen will be part of my nightly routine tonight. Sad part is.... we aren't finished. Ah well.... it's one of those chores that give you a feeling of satisfaction when you're done. I wonder how long it will take him to destroy all our hard work. Hmmmm.

RAK? Well,,, I didn't mention this the other day, so I'll take credit now. I brought bubbles for my niece and nephew on Saturday. It made their day....and it made me happy to see them happy. Today I made lunch for Ron.... Hmmm. That would count, except that he made dinner for all of us tonight, and it was amazing. He made a sauce out of blood oranges, and poured it over chicken and couscous. Add some steamed zuccini, and voolah! Healthy and tasty dinner. He wins :)

Three more months from today, and Andrew should be home. I can't wait to see him.

Fifty-two more days until I reach my "365 in 365" goal.

Still working on the 20 pounds goal. Hopefully I'll get there before my blog reaches the finish line.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 312, Happy Father's Day :)

Aren't dads grand? My dad is awesome!!! And he's 90 years you realize what that means? It means that he is ten short years away from living for an entire century! Wow. I learned today that Father's Day was first celebrated 100 years ago.... but it did not become official until the 1970's when Richard Nixon declared it to be a national holiday. Mother's Day was years before this. Interesting, eh?

Then there's Ron.... my good husband :) My heart mate.... and my confidant. I call him my blow fish sometimes, and I always tease him---because he is such a character. He definitely keeps things interesting around here :) Ryan and Jen came over and cooked us dinner for Father's Day... it was great. They worked hard to make it a special day. It's cool to watch this is his first Father's Day. Funny how much a child changes a person.

Looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight.... Welcome after only getting 4 hours sleep last night. Ah, the joys of grandchildren :) They are truly a blessing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 311, Babysitting Jane

Ron and I took a trip to the Farmer's Market in Old Town this morning... our first time. I thought it was pretty darn cool. We shared a crepe while sitting outside and enjoying the ambience of Old Town, and we spent a small fortune on organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Easy to go overboard in a place like that.

Bought my couch today. Won't be delivered for a week or two, but when it is, I will have a complete living room set for the first time since we moved here. Only took 8 years :) I also bought a full/full bunk bed for the room that used to be Raechel's. Aye !! Taylor is going to be one very busy camper in the next week.... cuz that room needs a total makeover. Welcome home "Tay."

Jane is visiting us tonight.... Yay. What a doll. It's fun to be grandma :) And it's great to have a baby in the house.

Tomorrow is Father's Day.... I hope Ron likes his gift :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 310, Everybody's working for the weekend....

The weekend has arrived, and just as I have for so many Fridays,,, I find myself perched comfortably in my chair. Relaxing. My duties for the district are officially over until August 9th. Of course, there are two weeks remaining of K12 Science Alliance duties,,,,but then, that's why they pay me the BIG bucks!! ha ha ha ha ha.... Yup, dats a good one :)

Tonight I went to the Happy Buddha and got a foot massage. I would like to say I enjoyed it, but since I spent most of the time drooling and sawing logs,,, I honestly can't say. They could have taken a break and had tea for all I know.

Finished the second book in the Hunger Games series... Catching Fire. Wow...., what a way to leave you hanging! Makes me more anxious than ever to get moving on my own.

Tomorrow I am going to buy our couch. I doubt anyone in the world cares about that... but I figure hey, it's my blog, and I care. In fact, I'm ecstatic. I'm downright giddy about the whole thing!!!

Gotta love Friday night. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 309, Don't bother me, I'm reading!

Almost done with book 2 of Hunger Games.... Okay.... I haven't been able to put this one down. Call it morbid curiosity and the hopeless desire for some promise of romance.... Wow... I could only hope that my book might hit some readers the same way..... A page turner... that's what I'm hoping for :)

That said,,, I have only 60 pages left (started it last night.... and doggone it,,, had to work today, so I couldn't read.....) So,,,, this update promises to be very brief. Ah, sighs of relief from my many devoted fans and readers.

Tomorrow I am getting a foot rub. Can I just say that I am really looking forward to that?

RAKs??? Hmm, haven't mentioned those in a while. What could that mean? That I've given up trying to do acts of kindness??? OR,,, does it mean that they are coming so naturally to me now, that I never have to think about them???


Just means I'm on vacation.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 308, Work? Really?

It's late. I'm tired. My legs are stiff. And I have to get up early tomorrow and go back to work. What's wrong with this picture?

Let me count the ways.....

Man up, Morgan!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 307, Greeting from Big Bear,,, Part 2

We made it to the top! Top of what exactly, I cannot say. But the view was spectacular! 7 miles round trip, and a few ibuprofen and a trip to the hot tub,,, and we are both okay :) Hey, go figure. We're in better shape than we thought. The weather in Big Bear is gorgeous!!! Perfect!

My job now? To figure out how to put these two pictures onto Facebook. Raechel?????

Day 307, Greetings from Big Bear :)

If you were putting words to this picture, what would the words say? And if you were putting words in Ron's mouth,,,, what do you think he is saying??? Ignore the hands on the hip posture.... he is actually looking at me,, and marveling at what he sees... ignoring that beautiful view of the lake in the background. The man only has eyes for me.

See... a picture really does paint a thousand words. :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 306, Ohhhhhh, the good life.......

Ten minutes till midnight... and I almost went to bed without updating.... Thanks for Ron for the reminder. His RAK for the day. That, and the amazing Porterhouse steaks he bar-b-que'd for us tonight. We are in Big Bear, where the weather is absolutely gorgeous! It's perfect. And quiet. And peaceful. And relaxing. And soon, we will both be comatose.

And that's what vacation is all about :)

I love Big Bear.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 305.... On any given Sunday...

This morning I slept until 10:30!!!! That is just criminal :) Could it be that, hey, I'm on vacation?  Nah, that couldn't be it :)

Went to church, visited my mom and dad, had a wonderful dinner, spent some time with my good friend, Judi, and then talked to Raechel. Ah,,, as the world turns.... I am grateful for my husband, my kids, my job, my friends.... my health.... my parents.... There is much to be thankful for :)

Getting up early tomorrow to go walking with Kathy. Then we are dropping Ellen off for a week at girl's camp.  It's always lonely without her around.... but she will have a blast at camp.

And then I'm looking forward to a couple nights in Big Bear with Ron. One of my favorite little get-a-ways... and no Indian casinos to lure me into a donation :)

Day 304, Whatever happened to baby Jane?

Today we baby sat Jane.... all day. It was awesome. She was so full of smiles....and so full of personality. AND,,, she snuggled :) I loved spending the day with her.

When I wasn't tending Jane, I was reading the last of the 3 books in the Poison Study series. Yeah, you guessed it. This makes want to work on my sequel ... in the worst way. At some point, I'm going to have to dive in and pull my characters back into action. Seems like they have rested long enough.

Cheated on my diet today..... I admit, I sort of did that because I was very frustrated that after a full week of watching every single calorie, denying myself the good stuff, and exercising,,,, I actually gained a pound. That sort of took the wind out of my sails.... but don't worry, I won't give up. I'll even do the RESET again if I have to..... but c'mon... .I mean really..... I am motivated when I see results. I expected at least one pound this week....that would keep me going.... two was my hope.... but .... it didn't happen. ... so I lost the fire today.

I'll get it back.

I have to.

Surely,,,, I'll see some results next week, right?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 303, School's Out For Summer...

"No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks..." The kids went absolute nuts when we had the countdown in the MPR today. Wow, it was like an explosion. This was a year I hated to see end... but for me, it actually ended about 3 weeks ago,,,, so having that closure today was necessary. This is a group of students that I will miss. Now, my loyalties are no longer split; I have no "site" to distract my thoughts. I'm homeless, as teachers go. Odd. When I left my site today, I actually turned in  my keys for the first time in 7 years. It felt like a series finale. And so the door is officially closed on that chapter in my life. You know me, I hate closing doors.....On the other hand, I seem to enjoy opening them... and it appears, the more the merrier :) The future is out of my control now.

So, there you go.

Tonight we went to dinner with the Eichelbergers..... always a good time. They are awesome.

Oh... and somebody pee'd on our carpet.... I suspect one of the cats.... but I cannot prove it..... All I know for sure is it wasn't me.

Tomorrow we babysit Jane :) Yay!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 302, Summer's Eve

'Twas the night before summer vacation..... and all through the town, children are laughing, jumping up and down. Their parents are worried, thinking, what will we do? Eight weeks without teachers to help get us through! The teachers are smiling, all snug in their beds, no papers to grade, no discipline dreads.

Ahh, this is the best profession in the world.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 301, Winding Down

Two more days. I can do this, even though there remains the daunting task of finishing my room and clearing out my things from the hallway storage closets. Sigh. Freedom always comes with a price, doesn't it?  

I was good today. I was nice. I was friendly. I was happier at work. Amazing how that works.

Had a disturbing discussion with Patricia today during our walk. Lots to think about... just what I needed, eh?

I'm still being good with my diet.... I haven't succombed to the temptation to eat my M&Ms or drink a bottled coke. I almost cheated today. I'm glad I did not.

RAK? I gave Patricia my peach. Not a big deal....even though I love peaches. Ron made this salmon loaf thing for dinner.... it was very tasty, much to my surprise. The man always has another rabbit to pull from his hat.

Speaking of magic.... I finished Magic Study tonight. I'm ready for the final leg of the trilogy. It's great to have summer reading options. I am looking forward to some days of rest, relaxation, and reading. ... A great way to wind down from a year that was full of the unexpected.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 300!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!

Another milestone reached in my goal for 365 in 365 :) I am officially on the homestretch now! Only 65 more days. Then what? Will I continue to post? Will I have to come up with a new angle? Will I have to re-arrange my furniture again? (That's an inside joke,,, for those who know we well.) Run children, run!!! Will I shift my focus and start seriously writing my sequel? Maybe.... I should go for the world record of consecutive posts??? Ah ha! Eureka Charles!!

Or, then again, maybe I'll just relax in my lounge chair and soak in the sun's rays....

Three more days of school. Surely, I can stay out of trouble for three more days, right?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 299, Hola from Peru :)

It's Monday, and that means a letter from Andrew. Gee, can you pick him out of this crowd? I'll give you a hint....he sticks out like a sore thumb :) He is loving Peru; I am sure it will be hard for him to come home and go back to normal "civilian" life.

Today I FINALLY got my grades completed. The technician wasn't able to get them back until about 1:00... but everything is current and ready for report cards. I can't believe how many students have earned "A"s this semester. It makes me happy.

In a way, getting my grades done was like therapy; it's one another apron string cut---and a step closer to full immersion into my new position. I'm feeling better about things now. Amazing what a relaxing weekend can do for a soul, eh?

Ah Raechel... you are so right. My phone DOES work.... and I sheepishly admit, that it was pleasantly quiet for the first time in nearly three years---until about 9 pm when I got a distress call from our favorite Woman's Conference roommate. All is not well in paradise. I also must blame you in part, for my lack of telephone usage yesterday.... You see,,, I was reading Magic Study....and I was under strict ORDERS from the peanut gallery to hurry up and finish it so I could pass it on. One guess who that might have been. I am more than half way through,,, and am enjoying it. I am anxious to start Hunger Games, though, so I'm reading every free second I get. So.... what's your excuse? Would that it was a tall, handsome, stranger :)

I am looking forward to seeing Raechel in July.... I think it's just 6 weeks away. Yay :)

And then,,, there's Hawaii!!!!

Speaking of Hawaii, I was good today. No un scheduled snacks :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 298, Sweet Sabbath Sunday

What a great Sunday this was :) I slept my the Ensign.... did a couple loads of laundry... listened to Sunday music.... went for a walk with Ron (first Sunday walk in almost 3 years.....) had an amazing, healthy dinner... visited my parents... had my hometeachers over... and read my book. Oh,,, and somewhere in there I went to church.

The only bad part of the day is that I didn't talk to Raechel. We usually talk on Sundays. Hope she's okay :)

Time for bed.

Oops... AFTER I write to Andrew.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 297, S-A-TUR-DAY---NIGHT!

This was my favorite kind of Saturday (except for the one where you wake up on a tropical beach or some amazing resort....or spa.) I worked out this morning, pruned the roses, went grocery shopping for super healthy meals and snacks, lounged in the sun with a great book (thank goodness Magic Study finally arrived,) ate a fantastic dinner, did laundry, and watched a romantic comedy. I mean,,, c'mon THAT's a Saturday, right? Only thing missing was a visit with my parents. ... oh, and that spa resort I mentioned earlier :) I plan to be tan before we go to Hawaii.

Today I figured out the difference between black berries and boysenberries. .... something I've always wanted to know.

Guess what? No meetings for me before church tomorrow :) That means I can sleep in, read my scriptures, and take my time getting ready. Yay.

Still can't believe next week is the last week of school.

I'm looking forward to summer vacation :)

Been thinking about my sequel..... There are some really great scenes formulating in my mind. I need to get this marketing package off my back, so I can begin writing again. I don't feel the need to hurry,,, I just want to write.

RAK? I made Ron a yogurt/fruit parfait for dessert. Ron went and picked up Ellen for me tonight...and let me stay in my La-Z-Boy chair to finish my rom-com. Now that's love :) Oh,,,, and he's going to let me buy my couch.... that makes me happy :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 296, Friday night with the Morgans

Today I got to see my students again...that was fun. I graded 100 Book Bag projects :) They were  fun... some were absolutely amazing. Whenever I assign a project like this,,, I hate scoring them,,, but there are always those select few that blow me away.... so that's why I do it. Sometimes, often, it's the most unlikely students that produce the most amazing projects.

Had a long talk with my Principal and AP today.... It helps to gain the perspective of those with experience.

My grade book disappeared at 4:00 today.... so I could not access any grades. Since bubble sheets are due Monday,,,, I'd say I'm up a creek with a rubber paddle... don't ya think? Notice,,, there is no panic or stress in my words..... you see? I'm perfectly at peace :) No worries.

I'll just give them all "A"s... That oughta do it :)

Tonight I ate Panda. I really thought that after a week of the RESET program, that my stomach would feel full after a few bites. Nope. Not a chance. I ordered a 2 entry meal and practically licked the styrofoam clean :) Gotta love those Chinese!!

Can't believe school is out in one more week. This year went by way too quickly. I had a ball... and I loved my classes. Nice to go out on such a great note. The future is blurry at best....but it's in God's hands, so I know all is well.

I just have to remind myself of that on a constant basis. Faith Mindy.... FAITH!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 295, 70 days to go

Ron stopped our movie to go get a snack (cuz he can't stay awake :) so I figure I might as well update my blog. Today is day 4 of the diet.... only I didn't exactly follow it to the letter. I had the shake for lunch and a protein bar for a snack.... but otherwise, no other shakes. Instead, I had fruit and vegetables. I feel a lot better today.... even took both my vitamin packs without getting sick. Yippee. I know the calorie intake is good, but I'm obviously not getting the protein I need when I skip the shakes. I know,,, it's a dilemna.

So,,,, this was day three on the new job. We did site visits today,,, which was fun. You know my problem? I like being the chief... or at least one of the chiefs..... I don't like when someone with less experience than me is chief.... that, my friend, is called pride. Unfortunately, I must be prideful. Anyhow, it is difficult to sit by and not be part of the planning. I'm not used to that. So,,, even though I believe what we are doing is critically important, and I am proud to be part of it, I have a truly difficult time not being in the driver's seat. That,,, is embarrassing to admit, but human. After all, I was the leader on my campus, and it took me years to rise to that level of recognition among my colleagues. Now, it feels like I am starting all over. Ego. It's a curse. BUT,,, in the long run, I know I am doing the right thing, so I will grow up, be a professional, and quit my bellyaching.


I walked again tonight. Yay me. One step closer to Hawaii :)

Do you think I'll ever grow up?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 294, Da da da da da da da .....da da da da da da da... cluck cluck cluck cluck

Yep, you guessed it... it's the chicken dance. Oh come on, you know you love it. How can you resist? It's bound to put a smile on your face..... always reminds me of October Fest in Lake Arrowhead---something I missed this past year :(

Today I got my first lesson in the Steps program. I realize, humbly, that I have a lot to learn about educating children with severe handicaps. It was a heart-warming experience.

So,,,, as for the RESET diet.... Ummm,,, well, I sort of spilled my morning shake all over my car... so I didn't actually drink it. Then.... I sort of felt sick during lunch, so I opted for a cup of fruit and a cup of vegetables for lunch.... and I sort of still couldn't stomach the thought of a shake for dinner.... so I opted for two more servings of vegetables and one of fruit. Sigh. Okay... I had teensy weensy taste of Ellen's dinner.. but only a taste. So, I guess I sort of blew it as far as the shakes go. At least my headache wasn't nearly as bad today, and I felt better. Who knows about tomorrow. I will try to stick it out for one more day..... I already know that Friday night I am having Panda. Sigh!!!! Actually, I truly hope that this Reset program will help me be more motivated to stay good and lose the weight I need to lose. I can't stomach the thought of going through this again in three more weeks. On a positive note... the scale did tip this morning.... I can't argue with that. Trick is, developing a dietary habit that works for me... and helps me keep the weight off. WHY,,, do the things I love have to be bad for me????? Coca Cola... come on!!! Why?????? I can survive without sweets (as long as there is fresh fruit available...) but really, coke? Ah... I love my icy cold coke and hot buttered popcorn!!!!

Did you know that if you drink one can of coke a day, you will gain 5 pounds a year? Well,,, that explains it!

I have exercised three days in a row. Go me!

My stomach is rumbling.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 293, UGH!

I would love to write...and think of something clever to say.... or funny... or inspirational.... but I feel like CRAPOLA!!! So,, this is day 2 of the "RESET" program,,, and my body is rebelling. I am sick to my stomache, my head is throbbing..... and my throat hurts. And I'm grumpy and tired on top of it all. Here I thought I'd be full of energy.... HAH!!!!! Well,,, I came truly close to quitting tonight........ this is for the birds afterall...... But Ron encouraged me to MAN-UP!!!! and give stick to it at least one more day. So.... I did. I skipped the shake tonight though... I just had my vegetables and fruit instead. I am pretty sure I would have thrown up if I had to drink another shake! If I don't feel better tomorrow, I don't know what's going to happen. I'll keep you posted.