Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 245, Hey... Only 120 days left!

I am two-thirds of the way through my blog goal...and I'm still kicking and screaming. Nice. It feels good to know I have stamina in at least one area of my life. Hee hee.

This little bit goes out to Zane....Okay, I deeply apologize for throwing you down on the ground, heaving a deadly pencil sharpener at your back, and taunting you with freshly popped, buttery popcorn..... BUT THEN, what up???? I never promised you a rose garden!!! Ah, you make me laugh...and we don't get to do that too much in our life. Period 4 would not be the same without you.... Quieter, but not as much fun :)

I responded to the publisher today.... UM,,, Yeah!!! YES.

Tonight we went visiting--that's always fun. Then we celebrated Judy's birthday with yummy sundays at Richie's Diner. I love you ladies!!

All's quiet from the Rejection Queen. Can't wait to see her book on the shelves!

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