Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 201, Cabin Fever

Thought I share the latest pix of Jane Ellen. It won't be long now until she goes in for another surgery....It's hard not to have mixed emotions about that. I say mixed because as much as I hate to see her go through it, I know it is the miracles of modern medicine that have kept her alive, and will make it so she lives a normal life eventually. She's a fighter, that's for sure.

As for me... I have a definite case of cabin fever. I have spent the majority of the past two weekends sitting on my butt... too yucky feeling to leave the house. It drives me crazy to feel like I am wasting my time...sitting around. This has been my body's way of telling me to blow out some of those candles..... Remember I told you what Joyce said??? "You're not burnng the candle from both ends, you cut the candle in half and you're burning it from four ends." Guess my flame finally died.... Not to worry, I'll have all four flames burning brightly in no time ;) There is always spring break to recover if I hit the wall again ;)

Today... while I sit on my butt... I will be doing my grades and writing my lesson for next Sunday---taken from Jeffrey R. Holland's talk in the January Ensign---"The Best is Yet to Come." Have I ever mentioned that he is my favorite? I love the passion he puts into his talks.

RAK? Well, the day is still young... I will try to think of something nice to do for someone else. How hard can it be, eh?

Well... Here's an update----I made Ron's chocolate pie for him...and I called someone who I knew was lonely and feeling a bit abandoned. We can all sleep a little better tonight ;)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 200, Sleepy Saturday

Today I slept in until 10:30am! It was wonderful.... I'm not all that crazy about the nausea that has been my little side-kick for the past two days....but the extra rest has been a welcome change.... EVEN though I really wanted to go to Macy's today and get my "free" gift with purchase at the Lancome counter.

Look at this.... 200 posts in 200 days... I am only 165 days away from reaching my goal. Cool.

Today I started reading my book again....Even though I made a couple minor adjustments... it was the first time that I've read through the first 100 pages without finding something significant to change, cut, or add. That is either a sign that my manuscript is finally getting there... or I am past feeling. I prefer the former, thank you very much.

The Rejection Queen called me today. She was holding the proof of her novel in her hands. How cool is that? She tried to describe the feeling of holding a book in your hands, and seeing words that you wrote on the inside,, and your picture on the back. Wow! I dream of that day...What a blessing that will be! I am excited for her.....and more anxious than ever to get my book into the right hands.

RAK? Ron wins again. He went to Costco on a Saturday.... to help my mom and dad... and then he made a special trip to mail my cousin, Loretta's, planner to her, because I totally forgot to do it this past week. In my defense....I was sick and did not want to go to my parent's house and risk getting them sick. Still..... I totally dropped the ball... and Ron fixed it for me. That's a true RAK.

I shared my coke with Ellen... does that count? I put clean sheets on the bed,,,, how about that?

I watched the Time Traveler's Wife today. Sigh. I'm not even going to say it. I gave it a six.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 199, Frustrating Friday

Freakin flu shot.... I feel like C---RAP! So, it feels like I have the flu. I am not happy!!! Don't EVEN ask me about RAKs tonight. I might just bite your head off.

I think I'm done with my book.

I still haven't done my grades...and they are due by Monday morning.

I think the Olympic event of needle threading should definitely get prime time coverage.

I think I'm going to need NyQuil tonight.

Is it spring break yet?

Day 198, Blah blah blah blah blah

After work today I got the H1N1 shot. Can I just say that it hurt like a mutha? Jiminy Cricket!! I'm not fond of needles anyway, but mercy me, that was one of the more unpleasant ones. Well, nothing will ever compare to getting the anti-venom shot when I was bit by the brown recluse....uh,,, that was like Bella being turned into a vampire! Fire literally flowed through my veins. It's the only time I ever remember saying the "F" word in a public place. Rhogam isn't so great either, it's thick like peanut butter and cold...... but that one goes in hip, so you don't notice it as much. The H1N1 leaves a dull, annoying ache in your arm that lingers for hours.

Okay.... I'll stop belly-aching. Can I just say that I HATE SHOTS??? Not as much as my darling daughter Raechel.... I've never seen a grown girl throw as big a fit as she did when she had to have a tetnus shot. That was hysterical. But hey, she scored a milkshake out of the deal ;)

I missed the midnight deadline by two minutes..... Had I been paying attention..... I would have posted in time. Ah well.... that's what those NEW RULES are for, right?

Tommorrow is Friday. Yeah!

Haven't been to spin class in two full weeks.... Nice goin' Morgan!!!

RAK??? Yeah,,,, I helped Kelly clean her fish aquarium today---and I consciously made myself focus on the task...and on helping her...instead of being annoyed, grossed out, and side-tracked, like I usually am. Guess what? It made me feel good-----but I think it made me feel good because I knew I'd be able to report an RAK tonight. Well, I need all the points I can get... cuz my afternoon ended with an RAM... and I'm too embarrassed to admit it to you all----I promise though, when the school year ends.... I will tell you. (Yeah, it involves an annoying parent---one of those parents who think their child is in league with Einstein.) Well... I may feel justified by my actions... but I certainly don't feel all warm and cozy about them....Not like I did when I helped suction poop from the aquarium.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 197, It's only Wednesday, Really?

I vote for a new rule..... someone else should post my blog for me. Yeah yeah... that sort of defeats the goal, doesn't it? I thought when I got half-way through, it would get easier. Nope. Well, truth is, I'm so wrapped up in the editing process, that I don't even think about posting until I'm ready to call it quits for the night...and that is always after my mind is numb and my eyes are burning...struggling to remain open. Perhaps when I finally mail the revised manuscript off, I will relax a little. Well... no, then I'll have to start figuring out a new query letter and coming up with an improved strategy for marketing my story. Then, of course, there is the daunting task of writing the sequel... which, actually, I am looking forward to.... but not until I know I'm through changing the original story. I gotta say though, lots of ideas are formulating....and I'm looking forward to completing Beth and Jonathan's story. I'm really anxious to finish,,, because I want to get started on other projects... like The Principal's Wife.... I can't wait to start that one.

Somewhere through all this... I have to grade a thousand assignments (no, I don't think that's a hyperbole, you should see my desk!!) and get ready for progress reports. The next two weeks are going to be insane at Planet "M"..... I'm out more than I'm in... so that means tons of sub plans, papers that pile up for grading....and no time for prep. Ah well.. ..... ..... that is why they pay me the big money!!! HoooRah!!!

Have I mentioned that I love the Hungarian Rhapsodies? Someday... when I have my baby grand piano... I am going to learn to play one of those.... That is a lofty goal if you know anything about Franz Listz.
I'll add it to my list of "must do before I die."

So much to do.... So little time!

RAK? I shared a fun activity with another teacher today.... ehhh... it's sort of an RAK. ??? I made hot chocolate for Ron.....(and me.) The "and me" part sort of kills that one, eh? Okay.... I washed Ron's underwear tonight... And it's a Wednesday. Gasp! That's unheard of! I'm even going to make sure they get dried before I go to bed ;) Wow... what a lucky guy! Yeah..,. my tongue is stuck to my cheek.

"He who has big appetite, needs big refrigerator."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 196, All caught up, so there

Today I built that bridge...and it feels good ;) I am very excited about the changes that the publisher recommended; I wasn't sure at first, but in the end, it gave the story a lot more depth. Of course, the real test will be resubmitting...It's back to the query board for me.
NEW RULE:  All cars should come with a trash can. I am so tired of stuffing my trash in my purse,,,and then forgetting about until a couple days later....or waiting until I have a collection of like thirty rolled up gum wrappers before I'm conveniently at a trash can where I can dump my purse.
NEW RULE:  All literary agents should be required to represent only talented writers---regardless of how much money they think a piece of trash book might make.
NEW RULE:  All TV shows should require adults to act more intelligent than their children. I mean, come on!
NEW RULE:  All teachers should actually LIKE kids! I am so sick of hearing teachers complain like the kids they teach are an invasion of their personal space----HELLO>>>>That's why you are paid the big bucks!!

RAK? I think that last night's RAK should count for tonight too.... because we still have more stew. Hmmm. Well, I put Ron's tray away for him. In return for that, he read the last 100 pages of my novel. Somehow, I got the better end of that RAK.

Well, back to women's figure skating.

Day 195, NEW RULES

Yep... technically, this is day 196.... and post 195..... So I hereby declare some new rules.....
NEW RULE:  My blog is hereby amended to be 365 posts in 365 days.....and if I miss a day, then I can make it long as I end up with 365/365 in the end.
NEW RULE:  RAKs suck! Well, that's a little harsh..... can I just say they are overrated? Okay,,, I'll keep the RAK goal in there,,, [Incidentally, I made cowboy stew for Ron yesterday while he was golfing....shhhh, cowboy stew is much easier than grandma's stew, so there might have been a tingsy wingsy little selfish motive tucked in there....but nobody has to know that.]
NEW RULE:  Every weekend is hereby declared a 3-day weekend. I'm going to run that rule by my boss today, just to make sure we are on the same page.

Since this is not part of my 3-day weekend, I better pull the lead out and get to work. More tonight..... I bet you can't wait!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 194, Every breath I take...

Still downing the DayQuil and sneezing all over my computer keyboard. That's lovely. Spent another day harvesting bed sores as I sat on my butt---all freakin day. I hate colds. They annoy the snot out of me... hahahaha....yah, dats a good one. Seriously, I always end up with an addiction to nose that takes several days to break after the cold is over, and I always feel guilty for laying around all I should be able to go on as normal, because a cold does not technically count as an illness. It's like a pansy sickness.

RAK? Ron wins again. He brought me an authentic homemade taco all the way from San Diego. Thanks Ryan & Jen.

Tonight Taylor is on my mind. Kids. Will my kids ever understand how much they mean to me? Will they ever understand the depth of my love for them? Maybe, I suppose, when they they have kids of their own.

It's tough being a mom sometimes...but there is nothing in the eternities that compares. Speaking of kids, time to go write a letter to my missionary... Ah Andrew! I miss your mug.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 193, Breathless in Temecula

One minute 'till midnight..... One minute to go..... Why can't I breath? I'd really like to know! This cold and flu stuff is for the birds! Not to mention I'm going to get bed sores on my butt from laying and sitting so much. It seems that everytime I start to get into a routine of exercise, I come down with a cold. Now that's not fair, is it? Today I took DayQuil, hoping for relief without feeling drowsy. No dice. It put me in a coma for about four hours.

The most frustrating part of the whole day was that I figured as long as I was homebound, I could at least spend the day working on my book, but that didn't happen. I'm sort of at an empasse right now that has me frustrated. I'm half way through reworking the story, and I hit a road block. There is a huge transition problem between the first and second I have no clue how to bridge. I have appealed to the greater powers for inspiration....but I don't think it can wedge its way through the fog in my brain---too much cold medicine :) What I really need..... is for my daughter to read the doggone book---hello---everyone else on the planet has read it, why won't she? Okay... that's a bit of a hyperbole, but you get my point. I bet if a new Harry Potter book came out.... or if Stephenie Myer were to release Midnight Sun,,, she would be first in line for pre-sales,,, and would have the entire book read in less than 24 hours. Which leaves me to face a painful reality. Still, hers is the opinion I value the most, because she understands all the components of good writing, and has a knack for literary analysis. Ahhh weellll. Se la vi.

Have I ever mentioned how maddening it is to be sick on a 3-day weekend? I'm notorious for this. It's like my body knows just when to crack.

Here's something I did for fun today.... I spent about an hour downloading classical music from i-Tunes. Whoa baby... don't wanna see that bill! Good thing I received a reimbursement check in the mail today... I'm going to need it to offset my wild spending spree! Yup,,, my daughter definitely created a monster when she set me up with my i-Tunes account.... Just click and buy... click and buy.... click and buy.... It's so simple even a computer idiot like me can figure it out. I now have all the Hungarian Rhapsodies (Lizst) downloaded... some of them are like 14 minutes long, so syncing them to my i-Pod oughta prove interesting.

Time to summon the dream gods---maybe tonight they will build me a bridge ;)

RAK? C'mon... give me a break... I AM sick after all. Oh, here's one... I let the cat sleep in my lap during my coma... and I'm allergic to cat hair. [yeah yeah, never mind that I was cold and the cat made me warm.]

Do RAKs count if they aren't for a human?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 192, More pills please!

Friday night. La-Z-Boy, Nyquil.

All that, and ice cream too.

If I could only breath.... it would be a red-letter night.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 191, Little green pills

Never mix Nyquil gelcaps with caffeine! WHOA BABY!!! It's like a shot (or 3) of tequilla (not that I would know--wink wink.) I did not show my administrative, "let's focus on the task at hand," self at today's professional development training. No... no... Instead, I was singing jingles, watching little birdies fly in circles around  my head, and listening to little devil voices in my mind. Cookoo!! (coocoo, cuckoo, coockoo... How do you spell that anyway?) "Make a lasting impression"----that's what I always say ;)

RAK---YES! I made a conscious effort to do something nice for someone,,,with no hidden agenda for myself (at least, none that I can recognize while under the influence of drugs.) I am choosing to leave it at that... and not analyze it---otherwise, I am certain I will find out there is a selfish motive buried under the rubble.

Posting early today----cuz I feel like crapola----and would like have the luxury of falling asleep with a clear concscience.

Tomorrow is Friday.
It's a 3-day weekend.
That's a good thing.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 190, And Climbing

How about them snowboarders, eh? Holy freakin flying!!! Yeah,,, So, it is very difficult to teach on 5 hours of sleep. I'm just letting you know. Isn't if Friday yet?

Okay... Here are 5 things a teacher loves to hear:
1) Wow, this is fun!
2) What? Class is over?
3) Ohhhhhh, I get it!
4) Is it alright if I turn it in early?
5) I read something really interesting last night....

And,,,, of course.... for balance.... Here are 5 things a teacher never wants to hear:
1) Did we do anything important yesterday?
2) I don't get it.
3) What are we supposed to be doing?
4) Is there any extra credit I can do to make up for all my missing assignments?
5) This is so boring

RAKs? Kelly brought me a Jamba this morning... ah,,, what a sweetie.
I offered to go downstairs and get Ron something. Was I going anyway? No.. I was looking for an opportunity to do an I would have something to report tonight. Well..... that kills it.

Eyes are spinning... time to detox and get some sleep.

Day 189, DOH!

Here I am again.... posting at almost 1am. What is wrong with me? It's not enough that I have to stay up till midnight so I can watch the Olympics..... but then I have to forget to post my blog for the day. Alright, I confess, I spent the majority of my night working on my book.....and that's the real reason I am still up at 1am. I am going to hate my life tomorrow ;)

I was trying to think if I performed any RAKs today....I can't think of one single solitary thing that I did for someone else. Today was all about me.... apparently, most of my days are all about me. Did I help anyone in need? Did I cheer up the sad? Make someone feel glad? If not.... I have failed indeed.

Hmmm. I did make my science students feel glad.... I had them mimic the dancing bird..... but I hardly count that as an RAK.... it was waaaay too entertaining for me.
I bought dinner for my family----hey, Taco Tuesday. Of course, that was a bit self-serving,,,,don't ya think?
I loaned Mr. C. my white-out. No sacrifice on my part....but it helped him out.

Seriously, that's all I've got. Now tell me.... How freakin' pathetic is that?

Raechel used examples of my blog to teach a lesson on unselfish service. I understand it got quite a laugh. Go figure. Well... there you go... If my blog helped Raechel's lesson be more engaging,,, then I have done a good deed. I chalk that up to a bonafide RAK. Shhh. I know what you're thinking.... Just keep it to yourself.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 188, All By Myself

How cute is this, huh? Is Kieran a little doll, or what? Wish I could see these guys. They are going to be so big by summer.

Today I had a great day off.... I pruned the fruit trees, cut back the roses, and worked on my book. In that order. :) Then tonight, I tried my hand at grandma's salmon crochets. Yum yum. It made me miss Andrew a ton...He would have loved them. There's nothing like grandma's cooking, though....try as I did to follow her recipe, they just didn't turn out quite as perfect. I think she hides things when she gives out her recipes... It's a conspiracy!@!

Guess what? Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary since sending out my first query letter. Oh, how wide-eyed and naive I was! I honestly thought when they read my query and my first chapter, they would beat down my door to sign me. Well,,,, my door is still standing. Tell you anything? I'll tell you something...I have faced more rejection in the past year than I have in my entire life...and I am growing a pretty thick skin as a result. In spite of it all, I have this calm, peaceful reassurance that tells me my book is going to be published. Wish that calm, peaceful feeling would send me a publishing contract... Hey,,, how about that?

The check is in the mail.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 187, Three Day Weekends Rock!

Can I just say that I think every weekend should be a 3-day weekend? Of course,,, I want to be paid for my extra day off...that goes without saying. Duh. Sunday nights are so cool when I know I have Monday off. It makes me happy.....and when I'm happy, let's face it, the world is a better place ;)

Gave my talk in church was a bit scatter-brained---sort of like my blog--- but oh well. It's done. I hate it when I don't have a good closing statement. This time, I had to rely on the Spirit to move me.....and it did....It moved me all over the place ;) Just call me "Meandering Mindy."

Ron came to church today to hear me speak. What a guy ;) He just keeps on racking up those RAKs! I can't keep up with him. Today my RAKs were very subtle and simple. I gave a warm hug to a couple of ladies who seemed down..... and I struck up a conversation with an elderly lady---and I actually gave her my undivided attention. That may seem like a no-brainer for the rest of the world, but for me, it requires effort.

Ron bar-b-que'd the most amazing New York steak tonight... It melted in my mouth! Yummmmmmy! And his Valentine's Day card was a top-10 winner. Yup,,, He's a keeper ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 186, Rockin and a Rollin'

Figured I'd do this now and get it out of the way.... so I can enjoy what's left of my evening. No offense. My day began early...far too early for a Saturday....especially when I didn't go to bed until 1:30am. Spent the day at the temple....hoping for some inspiration and re-fueling.

Still stewing over what to do about my book...lots of ideas swirling overhead, but don't know how it's going to land. Sometimes I just want to publish and let the cards fall where they may... but then I think about it.... and about having a book out there with my name on it, and I realize that I want it to be the very best it can be. I don't know what "best" is...that's my problem. I need the professional's touch. What the heck does it mean when you give your characters emotion? How do you give them depth? Have them talk about deep subjects? Pth!~~~~~!! In the beginning, I was telling the story from a 17-year-old mind...youthful, inexperienced, and innocent. C'mon, how much depth can you have without the benefit of life experience? That explains why so many movies, books, TV shows that center around teenagers have characters that act as if they are 30-something. So now, my goal is to make my book more marketable without compromising that parts of it that I love the most.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Celebrate love ;)
Oh yeah, and I have to give a talk tomorrow. No rest for the wicked.

RAK? Can I skip it tonight? I was very nice's hard not to be nice when you're in the temple.

Day 185, Seems like old times...

I realize it says Saturday on the dateline... but actually, it is still Friday night in my mind. I have been heavily engrossed in re-working my novel. I get so lost in the story, that I lose all concept of time. I just looked up and realized it's almost 1:30am... YIKES! And I have to get up early in the morning and drive to LaJolla! Temple day! I can't miss that. I wonder if I'll be able to drive without falling asleep? Oh boy.... it's going to be hard to stay awake during the sessions! Hopefully the Holy Ghost will poke me in the ribs a few times to keep me alert. I tell you what... when I am writing.... I'm in a whole different world. It's like nothing I can describe.

RAK? Sort of. I stopped and got yogurt for Ron and I after taking Ellen across town for a sleep over. Realize, of course... that it's Friday night....and I had to get out of  my La-Z-Boy chair in order to do this. You see, that is where the RAK part comes in. My kids will tell you.... I am no fan of driving them around at night...especially after I change my clothes and settle in for the evening. So,,, even though I got myself a yogurt too....I am counting it as an RAK. I gotta claim em whenever I can .... no matter how far the stretch.

Book, book, book, book, book..... yup... there it is... the obsession. Hello in there!!! You have a talk to write tomorrow! Get with the program! And you have a lonely husband....remember him? He certainly never expected to have an absentee wife.... present in body only half the time,,, and present in spirit even less of the time. You see.... THAT is where I need to focus my RAKs. Forget all the other people out there .... Ron is the one I should be RAKing. Sigh. I'm not a very good wife, am I? Fortunately, Ron is a great husband.

Well... Sunday is Valentine's Day. I love my valentine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 184, TGI Almost Friday

Been stewing over my book....mulling it over in my mind... over and over.... I'm not sure what I should do. That publisher gave me so much to think about. Yikes! And just when I thought..... it was safe to begin focusing on the sequel. Ah well. Onward and upward.

Today I was assistant principal again.... I have nothing to say about that.
Tomorrow is Friday....I have plenty to say about that ;) But then, you've heard it all before.

Survived spin class tonight.... and I'm getting better at it. It's always so nice when it's over.

Thought I'd escape my RAK confession..... but I would be ungrateful if I did not tell you that Patricia brought me homemade chicken soup and yogurt keep my strength up while I covered her desk. How thoughtful was that? Hers was a true RAK.

That's it. That's all I've got tonight.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 183, Hump Day!

Whew-Hoooo!!!... I just crossed the half-way mark. Thank you Raechel... you get honorable mention for thinking my blog is actually cool. I love my fan base....of one :)

Can't post without telling you about the letter I received from a publisher today.....He actually took the time to write me a very lengthy letter explaining exactly why they passed on publishing my book. It was very thoughtful of him. In his letter, he indicated that he had to fight his chief editor to reject it because she loved my book. He also said it has the potential to be a great book. Those were his actual words. He gave me a boat-load of information and a ton to think about. Looks like I have my work cut out for me! Question is,,, can I do it? And when? I'm already so freakin busy and tired all the time. Sigh.

RAK? My dog pee'd on the carpet tonight... I did not smack his little hiney.....(although I wanted to).... Now if that don't count for something.....!!! Okay, I admit it, there were people in the house and I didn't want them to witness dog I guess I don't get to claim that as an RAK.
I visited the sick tonight... does that count? No, I would not have gone if someone hadn't set up the meeting for me... Dang it.
I'm taking 7 furlough days next year so 200 people can save their jobs.....C'mon, that HAS to count. Oh, alright,,,, that's not an RAK,,, that's an FAK---------forced act of kindness, (and you thought I was thinking something bad, didn't you?)
So, yeah, half a year later,,,,I'm no better at RAKs than I was when I started this blog. Is there a time when you just have to accept the fact that you are not a kind person? I've got 6 more months to get it right.

I'm sleepy.... but going to bed means getting out of my chair. That's always tough!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 182, Where is my chair?

A moment of silence please.... Yup, I got another rejection letter. Ah. I have to trust the publishing gods and believe that it really wasn't the right fit. So where exactly IS the right fit? Hmmm. Ah well, back to the drawing board.... Keep on keepin' on.... stiff upper lip....chip chip, cheerio, and all that.

So,,, I was just to write about my RAKs for the day, and then the whole thing got wiped out. I think someone is trying to tell me something. Truth is, I felt cruddy today, I don't think I did anything nice for anyone.... and I really don't care.

RAM? See above.

Sorry.... I'll do better tomorrow. Promise. Cross my heart. ;)

Meanwhile, I'm glad to be back in my chair.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 181, Another Day, Another Dollar

Since I'm nearing the half-way mark of my "Post-a-Day For a Year" goal, I thought I'd utilize my language arts skills and come up with some analogies of what it's like to be committed to this year-long endeavor....whether writer or reader. Here are six that I thought of today:

Posting a blog a day is like changing your underwear... if you don't do it, it bothers you all day long.
Posting a blog a day is like doing your hair... no matter how perfectly you do it today, you still have to do it again tomorrow.
Posting a blog a day is like going to the bathroom... you feel so relieved when it's done.
Posting a blog a day is like eating a good meal... no matter how satisfied you are, by the next day you are hungry again.
Posting a blog a day is like paying bills, if you are late, there is a penalty.
Posting a blog a day is like brushing your teeth... if you do a crappy job, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I know,,, I made my own bed. I'm lying in it. I get it. But someday........ SOMEDAY,,,, someone will think it was a cool idea.

~"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." ~ Chinese Proverb.

Do I have a song?

RAK? I got Jamba for Kelly (gave up part of my prep, so it counts even though I got myself one too.)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 180, 185 to Go!

Look at that.... in two more days I'll be half-way through my blog goal..... and so far, everyone is surviving. I haven't exactly arrived at my dream of having thousands of followers----okay, I never made it out of the starting gate on that one----but rest assured, one day when I am a well-known author with a gy-normous fan base (hey, it's my dream...keep your nose out of it,) then someone will find this sad little blog of mine, and BAM! A year in the life of best-selling author, Melinda Morgan. Who could resist such a title? Okay, okay....I'll work on sprucing up the 2nd half of the year.

So here is my state of the union---- I have not lost 20 pounds, I have not had my book published (although I am one step closer to reaching that goal,) I have not paid off my debts, and I suck at RAKs. Hmmm. But hey, let us focus on the positive, shall we? First, I have not given up on my book publishing; in fact, I continue to polish my manuscript, and I am quite pleased with the way it is shaping up. Second, I may be horrible at thinking of others and doing random acts of kindness, but at least I am thinking about thinking about them.....I am trying to learn how to be a nicer person. That's something. Third, I have not lost one serious pound, but I am doing the spin class and going back to the gym two days a week. It's not much, but it's a start. As for the debt thing....yikes. Money is sore subject right now with all the talks of furlough days in our district. I fear we are in for a couple of dark and difficult years. I make mistakes, I spend $$ that I should be saving, and I tend to do some impulsive buying----I know, who knew? Me? BUT, I am trying to do better....It just seems that each time I take a leap forward, I end up with 3 giant steps backwards.

Here are some more positives: First, I absolutely LOVE my students this year, and I am having a blast teaching. I am working diligently to improve my program and to honor the 5E model of lesson development. The K12 model has done so much to enhance my classroom instruction and planning. I feel far more effective this year. Second, I have become more confident in acting as the AP at our site. Regardless of the fact that I may never be offered a position at Gardner, I know that I am better prepared for a position now than I was a year ago. I sense a turning point took place somewhere along the line...emotionally and professionally. Third, I have made new friends this year....rather, I have built deeper friendships with
Donna and Kelly, both of which have enriched my life on a personal level. I like that. Then there is Roxanne. She considers me a good friend, and that makes me feel like I've done something right along the way. And don't forget the Rejection Queen. By reaching outward into unchartered territories, I have be-friended another author. My connection with her has added a new spoke to my wheel of life....or to this "cycle of a crazy lady." Sixth---there is Ron. My "Hub." I don't mean husband, although he is that too... I mean the hub in the center of my life that holds all the spokes into place. The guy who doesn't stop me when I venture out (sometimes aimlessly,) but who makes sure I stay grounded in the process. He is sometimes my un-sung hero.

Finally.... since I am reflecting on the past 6 months.... I have taken more risks this past year than at anytime in my life. That tells me that somewhere along the way, I have overcome some of my insecurities. It's about time. Somewhere along the way, I gained some confidence that I have something unique to offer the world....and like an unchained hawk, I feel as though I am soaring for the first time in my life. There is so much to do, so many ways to grow, and so much to explore. Whoa!!! Now hold on there a minute girl.... we all know that when the day ends and evening falls....I long to be back in the nest....sitting in my my little corner of the world with Ron nearby.

This would not be complete without a word about my children. Raechel completed her BA degree and walks in April. She now has an amazing job....and is headed for greatness! Andrew serves faithfully, bringing the people of Peru the gospel of Jesus Christ. Taylor graduated from HS and is finding his way ... re-connecting with his father, and learning that there is more to life than candy bars and video games. Ellen is off and running, quite successfully, through  her first year of HS. She is a bright ray of sunlight in our days.

So, while I may not be hammering away effectively towards all my goals that I set at the onset of this blog-a-day journey, I have not given up, and I have not sat idly by, letting life slip through my fingers. I am pressing forward....and keeping the faith alive. I choose to believe that in the 2nd half of this blog endeavor, some very wonderful things are going to take place....and lucky you..... You shall ride the tide with me.

Day 179, Babysitting Jane

Oops, I've done it again....didn't make the posting deadline. I have a good excuse this time.... Ron and I had babysitting duty...and we just got home. So... consider this my Saturday blog. Can I just say that it was so much fun to be with Jane tonight? What a doll! She literally cracks herself up. I can also tell you that she does NOT like to take her medicine. She let us know with a vengeance! Ah but... guess what? I got to hold her and rock her for the longest time,,,,What a blessing that was.

Ron and I left our kids' inheritance at Harrah's Rincon. Anyone want to loan us some money so we can by gas for the week?

Here's more good news... Ryan fixed my iTunes. Yeah!!! I am so excited.... guess we'll keep that boy around after all. Thanks Ryan!

RAK? I did the dishes for Ryan and Jen... Okay okay.... I got my iTunes fixed so you're thinking it doesn't count.....but I would have done it anyway. Honest. Really. Cross my heart!

Better get to bed soon..... big day tomorrow!!! SUPER BOWL SUNDAY :) I'm looking forward to hot wings, vegie trays, fruit bowls, and a great game. Wish all our kids could be here to watch it with us.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 178, OMG

My day began with a death threat....Well that's a  new one. Took me 4 hours of interrogations to get to the bottom of it... In the end, everyone lived ;) I like it when that happens.

Okay... so I did not make the midnight deadline... It's 12:05am.... but that's because a couple of mermaids distracted me. In fact... I'm so distracted that I think I'm going to have to go take another look. If you know me well, then you won't have to ask what that means....... and rest assured, I am leaving my ATM card in the hotel room ;)

So.... sorry... gotta get back to my fun weekend-----my hop, skip, and a jump get-away with Ron. wink wink. I'll just leave the rest to your imagination.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 177, Let the weekend begin! Chaching!

Look at this little doll! Isn't she adorable? In a few short weeks, she will be back in surgery... isn't that sad? On the other hand, isn't it amazing that the miracles of modern medicine are available to keep her healthy and alive? It is a double-sided scalpel for sure.
Tomorrow is Friday... the week went much faster than I thought it would. Maybe it's because the nightmare of my i-Tunes has turned everything into a blur. Or maybe it's because I know that I still face countless hours on the phone,,,laboring to figure out how to fix the problem. Grrrrrr. I gotta have my i-Tunes!
Back in the hot seat tomorrow...This time it's the principal's chair. Who knew back in the 70's when I spent so many days sitting in the principal's office, that someday I would be the one sitting in the principal's chair. Hee hee... if anyone had told me then, I would have laughed in their face.
Well, I'm off to a different kind of miracle worker....gonna get rid of my gray least for another five weeks. I love my hair dresser.

RAK? Ron is still the winner there. He's RAK'N em up! Me? Not so much so. Sigh. At least I wasn't mean to anyone today....that is I don't think I was. Pathetic.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 176, Night of the Living Dead

Had to take a relpax tonight....So I keep falling asleep on my keyboard. No hope for a clever post tonight. All I want to do is go to bed. Ron brought me yogurt tonight. What a nice guy guy ;)   

Got the brass coming tomorrow....Hoping for a waive of  inspiration so I can show them something cool.

I can't stay awake...I'm going to bed!

Oh... by the way.... i-TUNES is down again! CREAEWRWEASDAAWE!!!@#!@

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 175, Technology Terrors

This was a horrendous day. Not the worst type of day....not one of those days that you can't recover from, no, nothing so dreadful.... Just one of those days that raises your blood pressure and interrupts what little simulance of a routine you might have had. Today I blame it all on TECHNOLOGY! Hours on the telephone and $100 later, the problem SEEMS to be solved. I'll keep you posted.

I have lots of alitteration words today: Terrible, time-consuming, ticked-off, tumultuous, tedious, tormenting, twisted, torrid, testing my patience, trials........... want me to keep going?

Breathe. Breathe. That's what people have been telling me today. Breathe. I am pretty sure I will fall asleep with clenched jaw and dream about all my teeth falling out. Those dreams used to freak me out!! No pill tonight.... I may never wake up.

RAK? I helped Kelly with her lunch detentions.... there were a mass of them. And I made sure all of Donna's supplies were ready for her grade level meeting this afternoon. That's about the best I can do....I was not in a very kind state of mind today. Gratefully, the kids didn't notice. They were one of the nice parts of my day. They are so awesome!

Tonight we began our visiting teaching interviews. Those are always fun. It is hard to believe I have been in this calling for 2 1/2 years now. That's a respectable length of time. I am grateful for the blessings I've received as a result....and for the friendships that have formed along the way.

Taylor came today. I miss him. I miss Andrew and Raechel too. I miss having my little chickens all tucked safely into my nest as I drift into slumber. I'll never know that feeling again.... Why didn't I cherish it more when it was my nightly routine? That's a cruel trick that Father Time and Mother Nature play on humanity.

I missed my spin class tonight.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 174, Mojo Monday

Alliteration week is over, but I heard a quote from this Mojo guy.... I think you have to be an underage rap fan to know who he is.... but he said something on a television interview that struck me, and I wanted to include it in tonight's post. He said:

"When inspiration calls, you pick up the phone and give it directions to your house."

I figure that is what I did when the inspiration came to me to write my novel. I see this quote as a sort of sign that I did the right thing, and that I am on the right track in pursuing my dream of becoming a published author. There is so much more inside me---characters, stories, ideas, anecdotes---all swirling around in my mind in a continuous type of hovering....Just waiting for me to give them a more permanent home. There are times when I wish I could write full-time. Meanwhile, I press forward in my love of teaching,,,in hopes of leaving my mark in the world of education. Who knows, perhaps someday my two worlds will collide.

RAK? Today I was the recipient of an RAK. Jeanne Davis, our resident substitute teacher, spent all of 7th period testing batteries and bulbs in an attempt to find 5 working flashlights for me to use in my K12 professional development meeting at our district office. She volunteered without batting an eye, and saved me a great deal of work. Sadly, after testing four boxes of batteries (that's 80 batteries!!!) she found her efforts were all in vain. I ended up having to purchase new flashlights, but her act of kindness meant a lot to me.

Well... I'm off to work on  my editing....each night that I edit, I feel I am one step closer to publication.

Spin class tomorrow..... Whew HooO!