Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 248, Let the games begin

Today my contract arrived, along with a packet for new authors and a marketing packet. It makes everything seem so "real"... But in all sincerity, it has not really hit me yet. It's surreal....and it is freaking exciting. One of the items on the marketing packet asks me to list 3 books currently on the market that compete with mine.... I don't know how to answer that, because my book is such a mixed genre. It's not about vampires, it's not about magic or make-believe worlds, it's not just a teenage romance, and it's not really science fiction....So,,,, what do I say? I am sure that the next nine months are going to be very interesting for me. Wow. Whoa. OMG. Wow!

RAK? Ron and I took my dad's car to Costco to have his tires rotated and rebalanced... And of course, we did his shopping for him. It turned out to be a 3-4 hour trip. I'd say,,, even though it wasn't random, it was kind.

Today Ellen turned 15. My baby. How did that happen?

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