Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 250, Wow, Onlly 115 to go!

Tonight we took Ellen to dinner for her birthday.... Yeah, it's a couple days late, but she enjoys dragging her birthday over the course of a week... Gee, I wonder where she gets that from??? Must be Ron ;) Hee hee.

Raechel, if you're listening..... I can no longer put pictures into my blog. I'm doing it the same way I always have, and they won't show up. What's up with that?

Well, I need to get to bed....and start getting to bed earlier, so I'll make this brief---I know, sucks, huh? j.k ;) So, I'm a dork---yeah. I won't tell you why, just trust me on this one.

RAK? Patricia wins today---she stayed up late last night baking THE MOST amazing cake on the planet, as congratulations for my good news. Then she announced it to the entire staff at our staff meeting this morning. While it was a little embarrassing, I could not contain my joy.
Then, tonight, Ron wins! He treated us to dinner at Olive Garden... YUM... and he let me have my favorite dessert. Now that's love ;)

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