Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 361, "FOUR"

Today was our first day back to work, and work I did---worked on my attitude that is :) Ah, I'm just messing with you.... (??) I really did feel more positive today, and that's a good thing. We also signed our contracts switching from a 7 hour day to an 8 hour day..... That's a good thing too,,,, not because I want to work more hours, but because it will increase my pay :) Let's face it... I've always worked more than 7 hours; it's nice to be compensated for it now.

I realized today that I already have several scheduling conflicts between Andrew coming home, K12 TLC's and the TOSA position. That's awkward.

RAKs? I offered to help Greg and Kelli, but let's face it, I have an ulterior motive for that,,, so it doesn't count. I also offered to finish the work at home....but again, my motives weren't exactly pure. Although, in truth, I did feel compassion for the two of them; they were both taking work home, and I honestly did want to help them out. So, I'm claiming that as an RAK.

Wow.... Andrew will be home in six more weeks. Man. I can't wait to see my Boo Boo again :)

And hopefully, Taylor will be sending his papers in very soon. I'm fairly certain he will have his call by the end of the month. Wonder where the Lord will send him?

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