Monday, August 10, 2009

365 days, 365 posts

Since I am the world's most ADD woman... and since I am famous for starting things that I never finish, I decided to issue myself a challenge. I am going to post a blog every day for the next 365 days. I KNOW you are all excited about that. And who exactly am I speaking to when I say that? I have no idea. There might be one or two people who actually read this blog---and to you I say "Sweetness!" There is no other part to my challenge--no subject of my attention--just cycles of the crazy lady as my beloved Raechel so affectionately refers to me. I don't even know what those cycles are. Perhaps after 365 days of posts, a pattern will materialize and I will see the cycle revealed. Hmm.

Since I will enter something everyday for the next year, you might as well know what I hope to accomplish during that time. Hold me accountable, ok? Make sure they are all checked off by next August 10th. Here is my wish list for the year--my "Ten Things To Accomplish This Year":
1. See my first book published
2. complete my 2nd novel
3. lose 10 pounds (what would a wish list be without that?)
4. pay off my credit cards (except for Macys... there will always be a balance on that one!)
5. have a literary agent
6. go to Hawaii for the first time
7. attend Raechel's college graduation
8. run for 3 miles without stopping (okay, I'll jog... that counts.)
9. win a jackpot in Vegas (just thought I'd throw that in there--what the heck!)
10. learn to play Chopin's Etude in E on the piano (play it well, that is.)
11. have my first mammogram (Okay, so this one is extra, but it's important enough to make it o my list. I'm embarrased to admit I'm 47 and have never had one.)

So my entry for today? Today is my 7th wedding anniversary with Ron. He's the hub on my wheel---he keeps me centered (whether I want him to or not,) as I spin out of control. It's our lucky #7. Feels like a lifetime.


Unknown said...

Mother... may I remind you that "Cycles of a Crazy Lady" was YOUR idea. YOU thought it up and YOU said that's what we should call your blog. I do not refer to you as that. So it's a goal of yours to attend my graduation, huh? Seems more like something you're looking forward to cuz there's not much you can do to help or hinder that process... Also, if you go to Hawaii, can I come too????? But wouldn't you rather go to Peru???

The Rejection Queen said...

I've never had a mamogram either. and I'm twenty 26 lol

Mindy Morgan said...

Well, I was joking, and you quickly jumped on it, so I thought I'd give you the credit. Of course I'm looking forward to your graduation,,, duh! Aren't you glad that you made it on my list? Well, there it is :) Luv U !!