Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 4, 361 to go

Happy birthday to Beth Arrington and Jonathan Rollings---my leading lady and man. Their characters were conceived one year ago this week during my then 4-mile nightly walk. Tonight I walked in honor of them; I'm glad I did because during my walk, I saw the opening scene of my next book. It's hard to believe it's only been a year since I started hearing voices in my head ;) Okay, I've heard voices my whole life... I admit it... but their voices were so distinct and persistent that I had to write about them. And so Etude was born.
Today was our official day back to school (teachers,) and soon I will welcome 180+ students into "Planet M." Every year is a new adventure... that's one of the beauties of teaching. Already students are contacting me to find out if there will be a "New Moon" club this fall. Of course there will be~!~! Bring your dazzle dust--it's sure to be sunny.
Oops, gained a pound. ... Darn that anniversary cake!

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