Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 62, Super Saturday

Today is traditionally one of my favorite Saturdays of the year... it's the day when a large group of us--all friends--get together and make "stuff." Maegan taught us how to make brownies out of pinto beans and powdered milk. Yum. Lisa taught us how to make paper cones for doorknobbing treats. Interesting. Chanin taught us how to make a NOEL garland that was so simple I actually completed 5 of them. Don't have a clue why I made five....I was just so excited to actually be able to complete something, that I think I might have over did it. Huh. Who would believe... me...doing something like that? Bah!
The event was a lot of work for the ladies who put it all together---great job girls! You rock!

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." ~ Anaïs Nin

I have no idea what that quote means. I read it like nineteen times (did that for you honey :) and it still doesn't make sense.... so I thought, what the heck, I'll throw it in there. Why not? Maybe you can explain it to me.

I think it is saying that friends are a good thing.


Anonymous said...

I think it means that every friend we have is so unique and amazing, but so important in our world, to make us complete. When they enter into our world, it's like they just invented a new existence, and it wouldn't have happened without them!:)

Kind of like listening to you at 4 am at women's conference, as you talk and talk and talk and kick your leg up in the air.... lol

Mindy Morgan said...

Oh yeah? Well you started it ;)