Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 191, Little green pills

Never mix Nyquil gelcaps with caffeine! WHOA BABY!!! It's like a shot (or 3) of tequilla (not that I would know--wink wink.) I did not show my administrative, "let's focus on the task at hand," self at today's professional development training. No... no... Instead, I was singing jingles, watching little birdies fly in circles around  my head, and listening to little devil voices in my mind. Cookoo!! (coocoo, cuckoo, coockoo... How do you spell that anyway?) "Make a lasting impression"----that's what I always say ;)

RAK---YES! I made a conscious effort to do something nice for someone,,,with no hidden agenda for myself (at least, none that I can recognize while under the influence of drugs.) I am choosing to leave it at that... and not analyze it---otherwise, I am certain I will find out there is a selfish motive buried under the rubble.

Posting early today----cuz I feel like crapola----and would like have the luxury of falling asleep with a clear concscience.

Tomorrow is Friday.
It's a 3-day weekend.
That's a good thing.

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