Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 213, A Friday that feels like a Saturday

All day today I keep thinking it's Saturday. Having Friday off is pretty darn cool if you ask me....except for the part where we don't get paid. That sucks. I am sitting in my room at Harrah's where I am in the middle of reading my book out myself of course. Funny how things sound different than they look in print. It feels like I'm getting close...just waiting for my four independent reviews. I still need a male volunteer...any takers out there?

Guess what? I ate onion rings tonight. I know that sounds like a random comment...but those who know me well, will understand...and appreciate what that means. ;)

RAKs? The only RAK I can report is to say that I have now helped put another Indian through college. Again,,, those who know me well, will understand...and appreciate what that means. ;)

Tomorrow we get to see Jane. Can't wait. AND I'm getting a facial. The only thing better would be a Swedish massage and to win the lottery.

Well....back to my book.

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