Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 274, When you come to a fork in the road.... Take it.

When common sense says go right, Mindy goes left. Looks like I will be taking a leap into the unknown.... and venturing off in a new direction. Don't know where it will lead, but I suppose the joy is in the journey, not the destination. Today I was offered the TOSA lead, and although I was prepared to decline, I decided to go for it. The way it was presented to me,,, it's a no-brainer. Looks like Planet "M" is going to be put on hold for a year.

This could be a good thing.

I hope.

Got to see Jane tonight.... Bless her little disfunctional heart! She is a fighter---"Mad Dog Morgan," as Jen calls her. The minute she saw Ron, she reached for his face and just kept touching him. She knows her Grandpa.... It was very sweet. We love that little girl!

Friday is almost here!

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